ENTER TO WIN: IZON Remote Security camera for iPhone!!
Thank you, we have a winner! Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Josh!
Whether you live in a high crime area, have a shifty-eyed babysitter you don’t trust, or just want to stare at your cat all day from your office instead of working, you pretty much NEED this iZON remote room monitor! What is it? Only the COOLEST THING EVER! Imagine being able to securely monitor any room in your house remotely from your iPhone (or any iOS device), anywhere in the world, even over EDGE, with both audio AND video! Imagine being able to receive push notifications if motion or even SOUND is detected in a room. Now imagine being able to automatically upload security videos to your YouTube account! I don’t know why you would want to do that, but it’s pretty cool that you can!
Even cooler is not only can you add multiple iZons to your system to monitor an entire home, but you can even place them in entirely different locations. The applications are limited only by your imagination! (and budget, and perhaps your state’s privacy laws…). But here’s your chance to win one!
To Enter: Obviously, if you are looking for the ultimate in high-tech geeky baby monitors, the iZon is for you. But there’s bound to be other uses for this thing, like, oh I don’t know… VIDEOING THE EASTER BUNNY! So to enter, leave us a comment telling us “What weird thing would you love (OR HATE) to see show up in your security cam footage?“? (Your answer has no effect on your odds of winning, we’re just curious). Contest ends at 11:59 AM EST Tuesday, April 10th. OPEN TO US AND CANADIAN READERS ONLY. Good Luck!
Anything at my apt.
My kids hanging out together in the middle of the night.
I could finally figure out which cat keeps pissing on my counter in the middle of the night! I hate cats!
Did my post get lost?
I would hate to see someone sneaking into my room and sleeping in my bed.
Anything at my house
It would also give me a chance to use my TASER – Don’t TASE Me Bro!
Weird things neighbors do
Seeing one of my kids sneak out a window. Or one of their friends sneak in.
Weird shit happening in my bed
We just transitioned our two year old triplets to toddler beds and we would love to see them as they fall asleep because when we go to get them in the morning all three of them are in the same bed sleeping together!
I would love to see a ghost. I would hate to see dolls move. :/
I’d love to see who is moving things around on me in my living room … but then at the same time I’d hate to find out it isn’t someone living with me as they can get inside my apartment while it is locked.
I want to see what my 6 year old does once she’s tucked into bed at night. Things move around her room and we suspect she stays awake very late some nights. Would be cool to see what she’s sneaking around doing in there after night-night
I could see who keeps stealing the paper off of my porch!
Ships passing in the night
I would love to see which neighbor keeps giving my car door dings…
The cleaning lady “riding” the vacuum cleaner. Too weird?
What the kids (toddler and pre-schooler) are up to when they get quiet. (It is never a good thing when they get quiet!)
What my dog is doing while I’m gone.
what my son is doing while i am sleeping!
I’d like to see what my ferret Slinky does while I’m at work (probably 8 hours of snoozing ferret, but still). I can think of a multitude of things I’d hate to see, but I won’t post them, as I don’t want to tempt the gods!
I’d like to see what my dog is barking at in the front yard, usually right about the time I’m falling asleep.
I would hate to catch a clown in my house while i was away
I’d love to catch the pecker that keeps stealing my lunch at work.
It would be pretty rad to see someone break into my home, only to find a few shitty clearance blu-rays and a hand-me-down couch from my great-aunt (which smells like cat food)…. seriously its all i got… besides the microwave.
Winning a kickass gadget like this would get me laid ten times over, on my great-aunts horrid couch.