mac osx - Macenstein

How To: Get your external Super Drive working in Lion

Every once in awhile I like to post a tip that will likely help only one other person on the planet. Today is such a time. As some of you may know, I recently replaced my MacBook Pro’s internal SuperDrive with an SSD drive. I chose the MCE Optibay kit for both its ease of installation, and also because it included an external enclosure for my SuperDrive (basically turning my internal drive into an external USB-powered one), so on those rare occasions where I actually needed... Read More

Wow, even the viruses on the Mac look nice

Check out this video from YouTuber TheEdBott showing the Mac Guard/ Mac Defender virus installing with no password. Having never actually seen the virus, I must say, it DOES look pretty cool, much better designed than those Windows popups I get while surfing (on my Mac) telling me my Windows system is infected. “Here’s a start to finish, unedited video that shows how the Mac Guard fake AV program goes from a seemingly innocent Google search result to a full install... Read More


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