If you can sit, you can get fit… The Hawaii Chair! - Macenstein

If you can sit, you can get fit… The Hawaii Chair!

OK, this is not Mac related, and I know you guys frown on videos, but if you don’t at least crack a smile watching this, you have no soul.

(iPhone users click here to watch the video)

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kelly (who begged us not to post it) for the link!

8 Responses to “If you can sit, you can get fit… The Hawaii Chair!”
  1. Rowlings says:

    Looks like a typical Windows PC office.

  2. TheCos says:

    OMG, the phone number still works. I hung up though, not sure if they still sell those!

  3. Kaleb says:

    Hey, I’m not against the videos… Especially since you usually post good ones =)

  4. Matt says:

    This looks like it was invented by the guy who was sleeping with his assistant.

  5. darrell says:

    i wonder how effective it is. looks like you can eventually be stationary with it.

  6. Really Darrell? You wonder how effective it is?


    -The Doc

  7. Troy says:

    “You can hardly call this work. It takes the work out of your work day!”

    They’re not even going to pretend you can get work done while using it.

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