nullriver releases Connect360 v3.3

All of you Microsoft traitors who happen to own an xBox 360 (I’m quite content with my Pippin360, thank you very much) may be interested to know that nullriver has released version 3.3 of its Connect360 software which allows you to stream your iLife content (music, movies, photos) to the xBox360. New to this version is the much requested folder support for movies,Added WMA audio streaming, and auto iTunes library detection, among over a dozen new features and fixes.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Nicholas Penree for the heads up.
The download link still points to version 3.23.
Oh and when it is installed it removes the license information.
Thanks NullRiver!
Its 3.3, you just have to restart System Preferences for the version information to update. And yes, because we’ve updated the activation portion of the application, it does need to be re-entered. Thanks for your feedback.
You must not be running Leopard. Previous version of OSX require you to restart System Preference when you install a new pane. So, you have probably downloaded the correct version.
Also, there is a new and improved registration system that only requires the registration key and not the name. The downside is you need to re-enter your registration information this once.
Oh and it’s Nullriver, not NullRiver.
Thanks for correcting me about the version number guys.
I do like the software, (I did buy it after all) but it is unusual for an update to a Mac application make it forget that it is registered. A minor inconvenience but an inconvenience nonetheless.