Studying the effects of centrifugal force on the MacBook Air
I’m a big fan of people with useless talents, mainly because they make me feel better about myself. After all, I may have no talent, but then I didn’t waste all my free time practicing something that is ultimately pointless.
One such useless but admittedly entertaining talent (when put into a compilation reel, at least) is Peter’s ability to spin almost any flat object on his finger, including the MacBook Air.
Above: Well, at least he didn’t set it on fire….
Hopefully Peter (or whoever’s MacBook Air he’s spinning) opted for the Solid State model (with fewer moving parts). I do not recall seeing any studies on the effects of centrifugal force on laptop hard drives, but I assume the are not beneficial.
awesome stuff. the other videos of that guy are fun too.
Freaky music, too.