Video: The Macintosh Software Dating Game with Bill Gates (1983) - Macenstein

Video: The Macintosh Software Dating Game with Bill Gates (1983)

I once told a friend that I got “douche chills” watching a comedian bomb on stage. He had never heard the term before, and asked me what I meant. I wish I had had this clip then…

“Apples are Red, IBM’s blue, if Macs gonna be the 3rd milestone, I need all of you!”

Yes, douche chills are that odd, physically “chilling” sensation that runs between your shoulders and down your spine caused by feeling incredibly embarrassed for someone, and I was pretty much embarrassed for everyone here. I had seen the excerpt of Bill gates talking up the Mac about 1000 times before, but I had never seen it in the full context of this clip. Bill’s professed love of Apple loses something now, as it is obvious he really thought he might get laid if he won the game.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the tip!

3 Responses to “Video: The Macintosh Software Dating Game with Bill Gates (1983)”
  1. iShervin says:

    they look so young!!! cool point by they way…

  2. Jonro says:

    Young jedi Jobs is developing his reality distortion field.

  3. Kelly says:

    Look at the lectern/podium Steve Jobs is using. That may very well be the first time a solid black Apple logo was revealed to the world.

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