When Steve Jobs says “Jump”, Phil Schiller asks “How High?”
When I heard Phil Schiller was going to deliver this year’s Macworld keynote speech, I admit I wasn’t all that excited. But all that’s changed after seeing this clip of Phil Schiller at Macworld 1999. Watch in amazement as Phil leaps from a 20 foot platform to demonstrate how tough the Tangerine iBook is (or, at least how tough the air mattress he lands on is). I love the way his pudgy legs flail.
So, what’s Steve got in store for Phil THIS year? Will he force Phil to stick his head in a lion’s mouth to test the new iPhone earbuds, or ride a tiny unicycle across a high-wire to test…um… well just to make him look foolish? Suddenly I am really looking forward to Macworld!
[via thinkingbricks.com]
One word: Lol.
“Watch in amazement as Phil leaps from a 20 foot platform to demonstrate how tough the Tangerine iBook is (or, at least how tough the air mattress he lands on is)”
They weren’t proving anything about the durability of the iBook. This was Apple’s first live demo of AirPort and they were proving it was really wireless. Steve had an iBook on stage with some education software that shows acceleration, and Phil’s iBook had an accelerometer on it. I have the entire Keynote on my iPod
Ever seen the movie “The Prestige”? I bet it’s like that, where the Phil Schiller who jumps dies from the fall, and there’s a clone that pops up to take his place. I can see Steve Jobs orchestrating something like that.
@ Alex,
That made my day, thanks for that!

-The Doc
am i the only one rooting for phil today? i hope he’s well received.
I like Phil, let’s see something different this year…
Come on Phil, Bring it on…
I actually forgot that it wasn’t Steve Jobs giving the Stevenotes (can we still call them that even though technically it’s not Steve Jobs, to distinguish from the program Keynote?)
I guess Apple is an amazing company through and through… doesn’t matter which of their amazing representatives are taking front and center.