Cast your vote for Macenstein’s 2012 Mac Chick of the Year!
Every young Mac Chick dreams of one day being crowned Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Year – wearing the “Mac Chick of the Year” tiara and sash, being handed her bouquet of roses and walking down the official “Mac Chick of the Year” runway into her waiting limo, then being whisked off to the Mac Chick of the Year Gala to be held in her honor. Not to mention all the fabulous prizes that accompany such a title! Well, they can keep dreaming, because none of that is probably ever going to happen (especially the valuable prizes part). However, one of the beautiful young ladies below IS going to be given the title of Macenstein’s 2012 Mac Chick of the Year, and we’d like YOUR help in selecting her!
Please take a quick moment and scroll through the ladies below and vote your favorite Mac Chick of the Month from last year (the poll is at the bottom of the page).
Now remember, being Mac Chick of the Year does not simply mean you look good in (or out of) a bathing suit holding an iPhone. We encourage you to actually read some of the girl’s articles to get a sense of their inner geekiness, their love of all things Apple… and of course check out their hotness… and then choose the girl you feel best represents what a Mac Chick should be. Voting will conclude Sunday, February 19th, and the reader votes will then be factored in with our own judge’s votes to decide on the winner. We can’t stress enough how seriously you need to take your role in this historic, and solemn process, as not only will the winner help us decide what our readers are looking for when picking out future Mac Chicks, but we’ll also try to get the winner her own special Mac Chick of the Year photoshoot feature.
I’m voting for May, Veronica – she seems like a true geek after following her tweets. Plus her pineapple shot is crazy!
Of course our ‘ own ‘ Google+ Celebrity Tara Babcock got my vote!
Voted for Tiffany Crystal beacuse she has the most beautiful eyes in the world
Voted for Tiffany Crystal! Had to cause she used to lived in Orlando. 407 represent!
My vote for Mac Chick of the Year™ takes account of the following points in order of importance:
Diversity of Apple products
Prettiness of the model
Amount of skin showing
Exposed naughty parts
Lewd behavior
Quality of photography & lighting
Willingness to please
Exposed naughty parts
Exposed naughty parts
Not my sister!
Jax, yummy!
Veronica i wanna shit on your face! (voted)
Veronica Ricci wins because she is a ginger, podcast geek and Poo Berry Fleshlight smeller! 😀
Veronica Ricci. No contest
Amanda Vanderpool you look AMAZING!! #1 in my book!!!
Veronica without a doubt! Hot and smart with a nerdy sense of humor!
Veronica Ricci??? She is the star of Penthouse magazine!
voting for amanda. she was too hot for me back in high school. still way to hot. nice to see she’s made something of herself with those god given looks.
+1 for Nicole Vaunt. Classy, mesmerizing eyes, redhead! Second, Veronicca Ricci, true geek, playful and beautiful.
Also, Tifanny’s eyes are amazing!.
Veronica ricci! Please make me a sandwich!
Veronica by far would be the most fun after an Olive Garden dinner.
+1 for Veronica Ricci, love that sexy nerd look, great ass
Definitely Nicole Vaunt. She’s simply stunning.
Voting for Nicole Vaunt because, like an Apple product she is beautiful, creative and, most importantly, classy.
veronica ricci cause redban said so
Veronica should win. She is the prettiest and most unique. Most of these girls seem like generic everyday girls you could meet on the street.
damn…10 outta 12 girls look busted.
monica roach and/or veronica ricci
Veronica Ricci all the way! Why cause I love redheads!
My vote is for Amanda Vanderpool hands down! Come on people, she is the ONLY classy / sexy looking girl out of all of them! Sorry to the other girls but they all look trashy! I follow Amanda on twitter and she’s not only ultra sexy, she’s a class act. Basically a NERD in a hoot girls body! What is better then that?
I don’t think many guys would go on about a girl’s “class” so I wonder who wrote that. Also Amanda said on her blog she prefers blackberry over iphone which would make her a bad mac chick. Sorry you had to call everyone trashy to make yourself feel better.
Congratulations to Veronica Ricci! I voted for her. 🙂
I vote to Heather Shanholtz she is cute…