Interview with Subatomic’s Chris Canfield about the upcoming Fieldrunners 2!

Fieldrunners 2 Title Screen Fans of tower defense games need no introduction to the Fieldrunners franchise – the adorably violent and hugely popular iOS title which debuted on the App store in 2008, and was later ported to various, lesser platforms. It was one of the App Store’s early success stories, and helped showcase just how engaging touch-screen gaming could be. You... Read More
Everything you ever wanted to know about Mac Rumors’ Arnold Kim

Arnold Kim‘s story is a truly fascinating one. A few years back Kim took a leap of faith and left his impressive sounding, chick-magnet job as a Nephrologist to become a full time blogger, and now his super-popular Mac Rumors site reigns supreme as the premiere repository of intel on all things Apple. Kim has since expanded his empire to include the iPhone gaming site Touch... Read More
Interviews: The iconic art of Pocket God’s Allan Dye
I happen to be a huge fan of the iPhone game Pocket God, and I’m obviously not alone. So far over 1 million iPhone users have downloaded the pint-sized God-simulator in which you alternately punish and reward (ahh, let’s face it, you know you just punish!) your reverently adorable Pygmy islanders. And with nearly weekly updates since its initial release back in January,... Read More
41 Questions with Dr. Macenstein – Because 20 just isn’t enough
There’s probably no character in the Mac Blog-o-sphere as interesting and mysterious as the sarcastic and quick-witted Dr. Macenstein from For over three years “The Doc”, as his faithful readers know him, has edutained his audience with his unique take on random bits of Mac news and Mac-related humor, building his site into one of the more popular... Read More
Confessions of an Apple Store Employee (Yes, the Geniuses find your porn and they laugh)
Anyone who’s ever had to bring their Mac in for service has experienced that moment of trepidation before handing the machine over… “Is there anything on my computer I’d be embarrassed if someone saw?” you wonder. Well, speaking as someone who has nothing BUT embarrassing things on their laptop, I’ll guess the answer is “yes”. From... Read More
Your chance to touch the hand of God
Despite being one of the most entertaining, mysterious, quick-witted, and, dare I say, charismatic characters in the Mac Blog-osphere, no one has yet had the balls to attempt to sit me down for an interview – and with good reason! After all, few could hope to survive direct contact with a being made of 100% pure sarcasm, and odds are prolonged exposure to my genius would... Read More
Interview with Christina K, the brains and beauty behind Fuzzle
When I think of the words “computer programmer” normally I think of a dorky, pasty male who lives on snack foods and emerges from his basement only to replenish said snacks and occasionally attend a World Wide Developer Conference. So I was understandably intrigued when the stereotype-shattering video below surfaced of the lovely Christina, the programming brains behind... Read More
Lyons: FSJ may return – but SJ still looks like $#!@
Fake Steve Jobs, aka the Real Dan Lyons, starts work tomorrow at his new gig at Newsweek, and it looks like the Fake Steve Jobs feature may be coming along for the ride. Our friends over at Mac Soda had a chance to talk to Dan about his motives for discontinuing the feature, and the likelihood of its return. Lyons had previously cited Steve Jobs’s health as the primary reason... Read More
Catching up with MCotM Lauren Reeves, 1 year later
We recently ran into our August 2007 Mac Chick of the Month Lauren Reeves and noticed she was sporting a brand new 3G iPhone – so we decided to use our meeting as a chance to catch up with Lauren, get her feelings on the new iPhone, and of course, to use it as an excuse to run some more pictures of one of our favorite MCotM’s. Macenstein: Hey Lauren. So, what... Read More
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