angry birds - Macenstein

Angry Birds, domino style

When it comes the the YouTube Domino video world, Flippycat is a legend (yes, there IS a YouTube Domino world). In fact, his amazing clips inspired my son to make his own awesome domino videos when he was 3 (and by awesome, I mean adorably horrible), and I invite you to check them out here and here). But I’m not here simply to bore you with home movies, rather, to point out Flippycat’s awesomeness. Check out his clever domino homage to Angry Birds below.  Read More

Angry Birds meets Star Wars – But where’s Bacon Fett?

If there was one underlying message children were meant to take away from the Star Wars movies, it’s that bad guys are WAY cooler than the good guys. Just like in the REAL life. And I think that message comes shinning through in this set of “Star Wars meets Angry Birds” mockups. The Imperial Pigs kick ass. Although, I would have loved to see Bacon Fett. (or would it be Boba Fatt?) Oh wait, THERE he is! Turns out his name’s “Boarba Fett”, which... Read More


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