Microsoft Bashing - Macenstein - Page 5

Wow, that was quick

I won’t say this isn’t homophobic, and I won’t say this isn’t racist, but I also won’t say I didn’t laugh once or twice. And man, talk about a fast turn around! Surprisingly I find the singing and acting quality to be about the same as the original. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kevin for the link!  Read More

Move over GarageBand… Microsoft’s Songsmith is here!

I crap you not, this thing appears to be a real product… (warning, this video also appears to be “songtastic”). “Microsoft, huh? So it’s pretty easy to use?” (1:55) Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the tip!  Read More

Mac Vs. PC – Transformers Style

Wow. This is one of those “made after hours by people who know what their doing” special effects videos that is so well done technically that you just wish they had spent $5 and hired two real actors for the opening scene.  Read More

Oh Snap! Barack Obama uses a Zune!?

OK, I realize there are many of you who would like to now take back your vote, but assuming you were able to remain conscious after reading that headline, I think there is some good we can take from this. Yes, Neal Santos over at CityPaper claims he got to jog next to the President elect (and his Secret Service detail) at his local healthclub this morning, and yes, according to Santos, Obama: “broke a mean sweat while reading a copy of USA Today and listening to his Zune.... Read More

I’m 95% sure Steve Ballmer is not a Nazi

I’ve analyzed this footage for about 2 days straight, and as convincing as it is, I am pretty sure it is fake. Above: Just because something is horribly offensive, doesn’t mean it’s not funny I fancy myself someone of an expert at video analysis, as I actually made a pretty convincing fake Steve Jobs video which fooled millions, so I sort of know what to look for in these types of videos. Without giving away any trade secrets, I have detected one or two frames... Read More

OK, this is just sad

There’s no denying that Microsoft’s “I’m A PC” ad campaign is setting the world on fire… (cough… crickets chirping, etc.), but with the economy tanking, I don’t even want to think of the person who is dropping their hard earned cash at the “I’m a PC” store this holiday season. Featuring a wide range of “I’m a PC” merchandise including a set of shoes that will surely get your ass kicked, the... Read More

That ain’t right…

The folks over at Gearlog, bored of filling Pepsi bottles with Coke, decided to do the unthinkable, and put the Windows 7 pre-beta on a brand new MacBook Pro. While the installation went relatively smoothly, it seems the build they had was pretty rough. “The disc didn’t do much, sadly. The system was unable to get online, and various other Windows 7 features, such as the mouseover preview, were disabled. Windows 7 still retained some of its key functionality, however:... Read More

How successful is Microsoft’s “I’m A PC” ad campaign?

Faithful Macenstein reader Roy writes: Check out the Google results for “I’m a PC”. Number one in the list… Too funny. OUCH. Well, to be fair, Microsfot does come in at number 2. However, faithful Macenstein reader Phelim points out that the number 3 result isn’t all that good for Microsoft either. Too funny. They’re surrounded!  Read More

New Seinfeld/Gates commercial is actually sort of funny

I have no idea how the 30-second version of this ad will work, because quite frankly, the first minute of this is pretty bad, but if you stick with it, this 4-and-a-half minute extended version of the new Seinfeld/Gates Microsoft ad is not only tolerable, it is downright watchable. It is now apparent that the idea here is not to say anything positive about Microsoft or its products, it is to make Bill Gates, who pretty much personifies Windows (bland, wooden, not all that attractive),... Read More

Microsoft’s first “Seinfeld ad” a bigger disaster than the Hindenburg

Wow. You can’t buy this kind of chemistry! Actually, i guess you can, which is likely the problem here. Suddenly I am not all that worried about the rumored $300 million Seinfeld/Bill Gates Microsoft ad campaign meant to counter Apple’s popular Get A Mac ads. “Shoe Circus” – the first Microsoft ad featuring Seinfeld (and hopefully the last). I don’t know whether I am supposed to want to buy Clown shoes or Vista, but after watching this, I... Read More


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