virus - Macenstein

Wow, even the viruses on the Mac look nice

Check out this video from YouTuber TheEdBott showing the Mac Guard/ Mac Defender virus installing with no password. Having never actually seen the virus, I must say, it DOES look pretty cool, much better designed than those Windows popups I get while surfing (on my Mac) telling me my Windows system is infected. “Here’s a start to finish, unedited video that shows how the Mac Guard fake AV program goes from a seemingly innocent Google search result to a full install... Read More

Here’s why Apple Support shouldn’t be helping people clear their Mac Defender Malware off their system

ZDNet’s Ed Bott (of the Microsoft Report) appears to be really pushing this Mac Defender Malware thing – doing his best to make sure the press goes nuts and blows the story out of proportion. His latest article, “Apple to support Reps: “Do Not attempt to remove malware“, aside from being link bait, appears to be missing the point. According to a recently leaked memo (below), Apple has told its AppleCare employees to not assist in removing the newly released... Read More


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