Apple Bashing - Macenstein - Page 4

I never knew hair could grow that thick

Guess who found a problem with the Verizon iPhone’s antenna? Why it’s Apple’s nemesis, Consumer Reports, back trying to start Antennagate 2.  Read More

New MacBook Pros showcase why Apple fans suck

As much as one can feel bad for a company with the 2nd-highest market capitalization in the world, I must say I really felt for Apple during this week’s MacBook Pro launch. No sooner had the MacBooks hit the online store then the apathetic headlines and forum posts began flooding the interwebs. The terms “underwhelming” and “modest upgrades” were... Read More

The REAL difference between the AT&T and Verizon iPhones (try to spot the difference!)

The AT&T iPhone (LEFT) and Verizon (RIGHT) Can YOU spot the difference? Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike who sent this in!  Read More

Hopefully the iPhone 6’s antenna will work correctly on Sprint

Another iPhone, another network, another antennagate. iLounge has posted its “Verizon Death HUG” video, not to be confused with their “AT&T Death GRIP video”.  Read More

Well, in THEORY, at least

Looks like AT&T has decided to fight the Verizon iPhone by pointing out how Verizon doesn’t let you talk and surf at the same time. Of course, they neglect to mention that quite often you can’t talk on AT&T PERIOD… But all AT&T bashing aside, I have yet to see any real reason why an AT&T customer would switch to Verizon. Maybe it’s just... Read More

Apple needs to hire a couple more people

Check out the following tweet from Chris Ashworth, developer of QLab: I’m not sure whether to be horrified that Apple’s developer team is so understaffed, or impressed that they eventually got to Chris’ support question (albeit nearly 3 years later and apparently not all that helpfully). I suppose there’s still hope I’ll get a response to that question... Read More

Jon Stewart – Verizon iPhone puts an end to a “National Nightmare”

Sorry about the Flash. You’d think if Jon Stewart really loved his iPhone so much, he’d have forced Comedy Central put up his clips in a format iPhone users could actually WATCH by now. Oh well. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Daily Show on Facebook  Read More

This is why Apple has that $50 billion cash reserve

Can you imagine Steve having to pitch his ideas to venture capitalists? I especially love how the first guy immediate drops out based on the name. via 9to5 Mac  Read More

Four “WTF was Apple Thinking?” iTunes design decisions

Everyone loves iTunes – mainly because if you use an iPod, iPhone or iPad, you have no choice but to love it. But for a company as well known for their UI design as Apple is, there are still a couple “WTF were they thinking?” oversights that bug me on a daily basis as I sync my devices. Here are my top 4. 1. Seriously? You had to use Purple TWICE? Apple needed... Read More

Apple’s evil Game Center plan

When Apple first announced Game Center, my feelings ranged from indifferent to mildly supportive. The idea of having just ONE gaming account to manage vs the 3 or 4 major iOS social scoring systems seemed like a nice idea, although having already set up those 3 or 4 accounts, it never really bothered me. Still, being the good Apple soldier I hopped on the Game Center bandwagon,... Read More


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