Hardware - Macenstein - Page 2

How To: Rip a Blu-Ray movie on the Mac

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Why you should never buy a Mac

Sometimes as long time Mac users we take for granted that most of us know to ALWAYS buy the base model Mac and do any and upgrades ourselves – In fact, if I could somehow have gotten  “NEVER buy RAM from Apple” to fit cleverly on a license plate I would have. But Apple has a lot of new customers these days who may not be so savvy or willing to crack open their boxes... Read More

Review: Magellan RoadMate App and The Magellan Premium Car Kit for iPhone

One of the great selling points of the iPhone is its ability to take the place of many of the individual electronic gadgets that rule our lives, and consolidate them into one all-powerful gadget that we cannot live without. In addition to a phone, MP3 player, and digital still/video camera, starting with the iPhone 3G, the iPhone can also serve as a standalone car GPS replacement.... Read More

The “I still love my iPhone 3G/3G S Giveaway” Day 1 – MiLi Power Crystal

With all this talk about the iPhone 4, it’s easy to forget there’s 10’s of millions of perfectly good iPhone 3G’s and 3G S’s out there still looking for some loving. And while we’re all about the iPhone 4 these days, we haven’t forgotten about all you “old-school” iPhone users, and we’re showing you some love with our new... Read More

iPad-based Mantaray iTar is almost as weird as its inventor

Actually, it’s not even close. Inventor FRANZ KELLER is much weirder. But still, “VJFranzK” does seem to believe in his product, and will actually sell any aspiring synth musician one of his brand new Mantaray iTar’s (iPad not included) for somewhere around $300. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader PJ for the tip!  Read More

FrankenPad is ugly, fears fire, and awesome!

MacRumors member eTip has come up with a pretty interesting mod for his Jesus tablet that appears to have solved his iPad typing problems, albeit perhaps at the expense of the iPad’s portability and cool factor… “So, I was sitting on the couch last night, trying to find a comfortable way to balance my iPad and BT keyboard while typing….. It’s possible,... Read More

Review: PhoneSuit’s Primo iPhone/iPod battery

PhoneSuit’s been making a pretty decent name for itself in the “rechargeable external iPhone battery” game, and their latest offering, the Primo, is a welcome, if not pint-sized addition to the family. Available in either black or white and costing $34.95 (PhoneSuit also offers a 3-pack bundle including 3 of PhoneSuit’s screen protectors as well for only... Read More

FINALLY! An iPhone stand you can kill someone with!

ForkedUpArt has finally given us an iPhone stand that not only looks cool, it can also be used to stab would-be iPhone thieves, or to eat spaghetti – your choice. Behold the Fork Head iPhone stand! Also available is the somewhat Roswell-looking Spoon Head model. Both items are $20, and come with the disclaimer that they “do not include iPhone or cable”, in case... Read More

Holographic iPhone concept disappoints

I don’t know about you, but when I hear “hologram”, I think of two things: Ethereal projections emanating from small, coin-sized, hand-held discs, and really amazing porn. But more level-headed designer Josselin Zaïgouche decided to try his hand at creating what he imagines a holographic iPhone might look like (circa the year 2020), and I have to say, I’m... Read More

Video surfaces of the iPad nano

iPad Nano from Creighton on Vimeo. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader TheWarpedOne for the link!  Read More


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