iPod Touch - Macenstein - Page 6

The most efficient doormat ever

This iPhone doormat promises to keep your house cleaner than any other doormat, thanks to its patented two-step process. Step 1 – People seeing the doormat will immediately turn and walk away from your house, dirty feet or no. Step 2 – There is no step two! (Oh, and they got your backdoor covered as well with this “command Key” doormat.) [Meninos via via Gizmodo]  Read More

And the award for “Quickest Conversion of a News Headline into an iPhone Video Game” goes to…

Sniper vs. Pirates, where you need to blast the evil (Somalian?) pirates off their raft and free their hostage crew members. A rowdy crew of heavily armed pirates has kidnapped your crew, and their fate is in your stalwart hands! You have limited amunition [sic] and a tattered bullet proof vest. Battle the bloodthirsty mauraders [sic] across three intense levels of difficulty. Touch the screen and drag your finger to zoom in and line up your scope, then tap to fire precision... Read More

Review: Focal XS 2.1-Channel Multimedia + iPod System

Guess what? Your current iPod speakers suck. No, I don’t need to know what you’re using, because I know what you’re NOT using, and that’s the problem. What you should be using are the Focal XS speaker (that is, assuming you have $600 burning a hole in your pocket). “$600 for iPod speakers!” you say? Yup. Focal, makers of high end studio speakers are breaking into the high-end iPod/computer speaker market with the very nice Focal XS, and for... Read More

Do not want

I think Luxury book publisher Kraken Opus has dramatically overestimated the number of people who currently do not respect money. How else can you explain their attempt to sell a limited edition Prince iPod and a velvet covered book for $2100? Or the fact that there is even such a thing as a luxury book maker, for that matter? The book is an accounting of Prince’s 21 Nights tour, and for that price, you likely could have seen him live at all 21 shows, and still have money... Read More

NSFW – How the world views the iPod touch

Faithful Macenstein reader Jeff from the comedy troupe Elephant Larry has made a video which I think does a fairly accurate job of summing up how the world in general views the iPod touch. (FYI, Jeff is the touch owner). *Warning – strong language* OK, maybe that’s a little harsh, but I have found that while the “outside” world does know what an iPhone is, it has no idea what an iPod touch is. In fact, I think they think commercials for iPod touches are... Read More

We have a winner!

We have a winner in our iPod touch giveaway, and it is none other than faithful Macenstein reader Major… from Hungary, who is nice enough to NOT let us just send him the cash, and instead is letting us pay for shipping a touch to Hungary… Thanks Major! So, how was the magic clue to the post given? Well, I hid it in a song title I left up on my last.fm page. I kind of thought it might sit there for a couple days, but no, eagle-eyed Major picked it up in less than... Read More

Review: ACOUSTIBUDS for iPod/iPhone

Above: What’s black or white and makes your earbuds sound better? Apple’s iPhone ear buds will never win an award for acoustical excellence, but they don’t entirely suck either. For the money, they are still some of the better sounding, and better looking earbuds with an iPhone compatible microphone and remote I have found, and I happen to know from personal experience they can withstand up to 3 accidental washings in the washing machine. So yes, there are... Read More

OK, I admit it, I don’t really care if we get copy and paste on the iPhone

OK, I admit it, I don’t really care if we get copy and paste on the iPhone. I just kind of got all caught up in the “Hey! Where the hell’s the copy and paste?!?” sentiment that swept the web two years ago when the original iPhone launched. Wait… Seriously? How did it happen? Having never used a Blackberry before, but being of the firm belief they were now the enemy, I knew I was supposed to be outraged that Blackberry users could not only copy text,... Read More

It approaches…

FYI, I think our 16GB iPod touch giveaway mystery link is coming up… soonish… Keep your eyes peeled.  Read More

Beautiful girls and beautiful iPhones make beautiful music together

I think we can all agree that the only thing sexier than girls who play instruments is girls who play iPhones. And since girls who play iPhones is simply a fetish I made up just now, you can imagine my surprise when faithful Macenstein reader Antonio sent us this clip of the UK girl group The Mentalists playing a cover of “Kids” by MGMT on their iPhones and iPod Touches. I’ve complained before about how I kept deluding myself into believing I would somehow... Read More


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