Celebrity Mac Chick - Macenstein - Page 13

Reward! Who is “FoldyLocks”?

By far my favorite iPhone game of the moment is Apple’s own Texas Hold ’em, the wonderful Texas Holdem card game featuring the mystery girl below, whom I have dubbed “FoldyLocks” for her habit of almost never staying in the game long enough to even place a bet. Above: FoldyLocks on the rare occasion of actually placing a bet (left) and the even rarer occasion of actually winning (right). Yes, I admit, I am a bit smitten with this 3-inch tall poker playing... Read More

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (July 2008): Giannina

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Giannina, the spunky host of a “How To” internet video site and die hard Mac Chick, all the way from Paraguay! Photos by abdalao Read More  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 7: Megan Fox

Hey look! It’s the hottest girl on the planet and her iPhone! Boy, it must be something about the hot weather that brings out the celebrity Mac Chicks. Yes that’s Megan Fox, the girl from Transformers (and hopefully Transformers 2), looking like Angelina Jolie used to look. Read More  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 6: Rose McGowan

Well would you look at that! It’s Rose McGowan, and BOTH her legs, using an iPhone! Actually, I’m just assuming she has both her legs. And thus this month’s Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza comes to an end. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kensei, for the pic! [Image via Gadget Crunch]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 5: Kirsten Dunst

Here’s Spiderman’s main squeeze Kirsten Dunst, kicking it old school (like, 1760’s old school) with a MacBook Pro. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kensei, for the pic! [Image via Boing Boing]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 4: Nicole Richie

You know you’re a celebrity when… You never even think of putting your MacBook Pro in a case or bag! I guess Nicole Richie qualifies. Maybe she learned such negligent behavior from former BFF Paris Hilton. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kensei, for the pic! [via  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 3: Mariah Carey

My GOD! Her feat are huge! I originally was going to file this one under Big Foot sightings, but I was told that that is in fact the giant footed pop princess Mariah Carey, relaxing with her MacBook Pro old PowerBook (thanks guys). Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kensei, for the pic!  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 2: Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan smoking (a cigarette, not smoking hot) with her MacBook Pro. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kensei, for the pic! [via techiedivablog]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick-a-Palooza 1: Adriana Lima

Do you know how long I have stalked followed Miss Lima’s career, hoping to find a picture of her using Apple gear? Well, finally, faithful Macenstein reader Bilal has come to my rescue, and found a picture of Lima holding an iPhone (never mind that she seems to also be holding some other model phone). Also shown is her basketball playing fiance Marko Jaric. Now, because she’s in “Airport” mode, and not at her ultimate hotness, I have posted the below... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Hannah Montanna… err… Miley Cyrus

Cyber hacker extraordinaire trainreq apparently hacked into Miley Cyrus‘ iPhone last month and found some semi-racy photos she has taken of herself last year meant for Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers. Given her Vanity Fair debacle, Miley should really stay clear of cameras. If you don’t know who any of these people are, you are more lucky than you know. Unfortunately, I hear I will be taking my 6-year old daughter to see Miley “Hannah Montanna” Cyrus... Read More


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