Celebrity Mac Chick - Macenstein - Page 15

Geez, How many Macs does Jessica Simpson have??

In an effort to test just how much Jessica Simpson our readers can stomach, here is yet another shot of Miss Simpson holding an Apple laptop, this time a black MacBook. You may recall we spotted Jessica and her dog brandishing a MacBook Air just last month at the AirPort, and using an iPod a few months back. I know it’s cool to hate on Jessica, but I happen to be a big fan. Perhaps this is because I have never heard her sing or act outside of this Pizza Hut commercial... Read More

Celebrity Mac chick.. er.. PRESIDENT sighting: Cristina Kirchner

Faithful Macenstein reader Benito writes: hello! Celebrity Mac Chick? … hmm This is our president Cristina Kirchner taking a present from the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim owner of the biggest cell network in my country. Of course, presidents can’t take presents from anyone by law, even media moguls. But who cares, this is Argentina… How come our presidents never look like that? Ah, Argentina, the land where Xuxa filmed her insanely awesome Show... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Jessica Stam

I’ll admit I am not as up to date on my Victoria’s Secrets models as I used to be, but when I came across this picture of the lovely Jessica Stam listening to iTunes on a MacBook Pro, I forced myself to make time in my busy schedule to look into Miss Stram’s credentials. As you can see below, her body (of work) is impressive. I mean, do you have any idea how hard it is to accessorize the world’s smallest kilt and a pair of giant demon wings? I think... Read More

The iPhone is “green” enough for Italy

While those Apple-hating, tree-hugging, Greenpeace hippies may have decided the iPhone is clubbing baby seals in the US, apparently the more reasonable folks over in Italy have the sense to look past the iPhone’s potential environmental concerns – even the Minister of Environment. Above: Prestigiacomo(left) and Italy’s PM Berlusconi (right) Faithful Macenstein reader Camillo Miller from over at the apple lounge has sent us this shot of Italy’s Minister... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Joss Stone

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Celebrity_Mac_Chick_Sighting_Joss_Stone_nsfw; Is it just me, or is that Joss Stone sitting pretty at the NYC Apple Store? Read More  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Michelle Rodriguez

Wow. Looks like Michelle Rodriguez is so into her MacBook Pro that she is oblivious to that giant rat by her feet. (And yes, it appears we have finally found a celeb who owns a laptop case! Bravo, Michelle!) [via That Other Blog]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jenny McCarthy

Somehow I always suspected Jenny was a Mac Chick. Yes, this is just an iPhone, but I’m sure she owns a Mac. In fact, I imagine she is so Mac obsessed, I picture her reading Macenstein daily. In bed. Naked. So Jenny, please do me a favor and take a quick snapshot of you with your MacBook and send it in, just to prove all my skeptical readers wrong who will claim that an iPhone sighting does not make a Mac Chick. And may I just point out that unlike others, Jenny seems... Read More

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (May 2008): Jenn Thomas

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Jenn Thomas, a Pittsburgh architecture student and model, and of course, a die-hard Mac Chick! Capalbo Photo “I’m a sucker for that slick ‘clean’ design,” says Jenn. “Apple has successfully kept my attention... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting revisited – Jessica Simpson

OK, some of you balked when I dubbed Jessica Simpson a “Mac Chick” when all I found was a measly iPod last time. Well, here she is with a MacBook Air (once again, no case, and suspiciously held just right for the press…) Happy? [Via Geek Girl]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting – Beyonce

Above: Beyonce and Jay-Z do a little pool-side web surfing on Beyonce’s MacBook. Do I even have to point out at that once again we have a celebrity walking around with a MacBook with no case? Originally I was skeptical as to the conspiracy theories of product placement and pay-offs between Apple and celebs, but looking at these pics, it was almost as though a concerted effort was being made to make sure the Apple logo was visible to the paparazzi. More poolside pics... Read More


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