Rumor: Voodoo releasing a laptop that’s thinner than MacBook Air on Tuesday?
Uh-oh… Looks like Voodoo may be getting ready to unleash an ultra thin laptop on June 10th that is even thinner than the MacBook Air. Faithful Macenstein reader Michael writes: Check this out… I was reading a story on Engadget, so I decided to Facebook the CEO of Voodoo. I pretended that I was greatly interested in his offerings, and told him I only wanted the thinnest laptop. He told me to stick around (see attatched). Maybe the air won’t be the thinnest laptop... Read More
Doug’s Rumor Corner: iPhone 2.0 “Safe Directory”
Faithful Macenstein reader Doug is back once again with his trademark “inside info”, this time with some dirt on the iPhone’s (alleged) upcoming “Safe Directory”. (It should be pointed out that after 7 or so “inside scoops”, we have yet to be contacted by Apple legal about any of Doug’s inside information. Still, they are always fun to read). iPhone 2.0 “Safe Directory” A feature that may or may not see the light of... Read More
Samsung has a history of stealing Mac OS X icons
I’m not sure if rumors of Samsung using Safari in their new L870 handset are true or not – some say it simply means they are using a webkit-based browser, others say it is is actually Safari. Call me cynical, but I am betting Apple did NOT license the actual Safari app to another mobile phone company. I’m a little wary of Samsung’s mobile division in general, as they have a history of stealing icons for their handsets from OS X. Hmmm… that pencil... Read More
Rumor: iPod Gen 2 ad at Wal-Mart?
Aside from the mysterious “gen 2”, there’s not much in this Wal-Mart ad snapshot to get excited about as the specs and prices seem the same as the current generation iPod touch. But hey, who needs a legitimate reason to get excited? This is an Apple product we’re talking about! That’s reason enough to go nuts. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandelay for the tip. [via ipodtouchfans] Read More
Incestuous iFund funding?
Hmmm… Well, this is rather scandalous. It seems that both the named companies to receive iFund funds for iPhone application development thus far (out of over 1700 applicants) have deep ties to Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, the group overseeing the fund, with one in particular, iControl, even having a KPCB partner on its board… I suppose that’s one way to put your application on the fast track… [via a comment on] “John Doerr stood... Read More
“Electric Computers”? OK, Now Apple is just fucking with us
It takes such little effort for Apple to get front page publicity. A simple thing like changing the description on their cargo manifest to read “electric computers” from “desktop computers” has got the rumor community’s knickers in a twist. It seems that between those mysterious 188 containers everyone is talking about and that alleged solar iPhone… Apple has decided the best way to advertise is now viral. Simply patent something you may or... Read More
New tablet rumors and slow news day conspire to cause us to revisit Doug’s Mac nano rumor
A slow news day has turned into a slow news weekend, and with a slew of new “iTablet” rumors surfacing, it is no surprise that Macenstein‘s resident rumor-monger Doug has returned to dredge up his Mac nano and docking station rumor. And if you thought the MacBook Air’s pricing/performance ratio was questionble, wait until you get a load of the “iMac Duo”! Mac Nano Update Many may remember my original Mac Nano report – a tablet running... Read More
Rumor: Apple TV’s wireless, multi-touch keyboard
Who doesn’t like reading rumors on the weekend? I know for me, it’s right up their with reading the Family Circus each Sunday morning. Faithful Macenstein reader Doug writes us with news of an upcoming Apple TV update and the first Apple TV-specific accessory, a multi-touch Apple keyboard: “a new keyboard. bluetooth. aluminum with design and keys just like existing wireless. but to the right a touch-sensitive area. it is aluminum and backlit. a thin groove defines... Read More
Those darn foreigners piss in Apple’s coffee again. TWICE!
Poor Apple. The infamously secretive company has once again had some of its secretive beans spilled by leaks coming from foreign partners who did not get the memo that Apple likes to announce its own products, thank you very much. First up comes news from Intel’s GERMAN CEO Hannes Schwaderer that there will be a brand new, larger iPhone-like device coming from Apple soon. “As part of an Intel event for the 40th birthday of the semiconductor company at Munich’s... Read More
Rumor: No new iPhone until June 24th?
Say it ain’t so! Faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandelay writes: After hearing about the iPhone Shortage, I decided to call and ask for myself, to see if I could squeeze out any information, and after pressing him [The Apple rep] as to when to expect the iPhones, he told me “June 24th”, or last week of June. The order he placed [for a customer] before I called said that was the estimated delivery date, according to the computer. He also told me that the reason... Read More
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