Well, hello there, Safari!

I’ve never really looked at my web browser as a sexy woman (probably because I’m too busy using my web browser to look AT sexy women) but photo artist Mike Roshuk has, and he’s posted some of his “Girls as Browsers” concepts. I particularly like the clueless Internet Explorer and her Blue Screen of death. However I am saddened by the omission of FireFox,... Read More
Nothing Creepy about THIS! Young Steve Jobs Actions figures now on sale!

Got $400 lying around and a thing for sexy young egomaniacal computer geniuses? Then you’re going to want to head on over to Legend Toys and order your 1970’s and 1980’s “Young Steve Jobs” figures before Apple shuts them down with a cease and desist notice! Nothing Creepy here! As with previous Steve Jobs Action figures, the action seems fairly limited... Read More
Awesome Apple TV decals

With recent reports predicting a “TV” Apple TV release some time in 2015, it looks like we’ll be stuck with these little black boxes for some time. But that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! Check out these sweet Apple TV decals from Killer Duck Decals. At $10 a piece, how can you go wrong?! (well, unless they cause it to overheat or not work of course…) But... Read More
Review: PocketPlug case for iPhone – Never feel powerless again!

I’ve always been interested in portable charging solutions for my iPhone, which is odd since I am never more than 2 feet from my computer or a USB charging cable. Still, I am a sucker for having a constant charge, which is why Prong’s PocketPlug ($69.95) caught my eye. I’ve always been a big fan of portable battery cases, but the PocketPlug is something different.... Read More
Apple’s October iPad Event – The Good, the Bad, and the Meh

Apple today held a special event to announce the long overdue updates to their MacBook, Mac Pro, and iPad lines. And while I am such a fanboy there was really never a question whether or not I will be buying something today, that doesn’t mean I’m so easily blinded by shiny things that I can’t pick out a “meh” moment or two from the festivities if pressed.... Read More
Microsoft and Apple combine forces to create beautiful music

I have never for one second believed that a music conductor’s arm waving does ANYTHING. (Unless you’re in a Warner Bros. cartoon of course. Then you can make the band do literally ANYTHING!) But for the average orchestra, even a 4th grade one, the musicians do not appear to look up at the conductor once, and his semi-orgasmic gyrations, while giving the audience something... Read More
The iOS 7 Makeover show!

Whether you love or hate iOS 7, one thing we can all agree on is that it certainly looks different than iOS 6. Jony Ive’s makeover brush hit just about every corner of the OS, and for the most part, I like what he’s done with the place. Of course, I’ve been using the beta for a few months so I kind of forget what iOS 6 looked like, exactly. Luckily, After iOS7... Read More
Phoneblocs – The iPhone I wish Apple was making

If there is one thing Apple isn’t known for, it’s upgradeability. As a traditionally hardware-based company, it’s in Apple’s best interest for you to throw away your iPhone, MacBook, or iMac every 2-3 years or so if you decide you want something as simple as more storage space or even RAM. Long-time readers are likely sick to death of my call for more storage... Read More
Finally, you can play Super Mario Bros. with a banana on your Mac!

I’m sure there are evil MIT graduates somewhere – ones with no sense of humor, plotting to use their giant brains to take over the planet and enslave us all, but I must say more often than not these MIT boys seem to like to blow off steam by making wacky-ass inventions. Like this one: MaKey MaKey. I’d explain what it does but this video does a better job than my dumb... Read More
REVIEW: PhoneSuit Flex iPhone battery

Yep, another battery review – I just can’t help myself. Thanks to my Clash of Clans addiction, I can no longer make it through the day on a single iPhone charge, and I need to have some sort of extra juice with me at all times. However PhoneSuit’s new Flex charger for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch’s with the lightning connector is different than most for a couple... Read More
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