Doug's Rumor Corner - Macenstein

Doug returns!

[Disclaimer: Doug has never been right about anything.] Hey everyone, look! Doug has returned, and he has a new rumor for us! This time it’s about the Apple TV. Looks like the Apple TV might not be getting a redesign so much as losing the hardware aspect entirely. (At least according to Doug). Hey Doc, Here’s something I heard through the grapevine. Apple is investigating... Read More

Doug’s Rumor Corner: iPhone 2.0 “Safe Directory”

Faithful Macenstein reader Doug is back once again with his trademark “inside info”, this time with some dirt on the iPhone’s (alleged) upcoming “Safe Directory”. (It should be pointed out that after 7 or so “inside scoops”, we have yet to be contacted by Apple legal about any of Doug’s inside information. Still, they are always fun... Read More

New tablet rumors and slow news day conspire to cause us to revisit Doug’s Mac nano rumor

A slow news day has turned into a slow news weekend, and with a slew of new “iTablet” rumors surfacing, it is no surprise that Macenstein‘s resident rumor-monger Doug has returned to dredge up his Mac nano and docking station rumor. And if you thought the MacBook Air’s pricing/performance ratio was questionble, wait until you get a load of the “iMac... Read More

Rumor: Apple TV’s wireless, multi-touch keyboard

Who doesn’t like reading rumors on the weekend? I know for me, it’s right up their with reading the Family Circus each Sunday morning. Faithful Macenstein reader Doug writes us with news of an upcoming Apple TV update and the first Apple TV-specific accessory, a multi-touch Apple keyboard: “a new keyboard. bluetooth. aluminum with design and keys just like existing... Read More

2 new conflicting iPhone reports support “multiple iPhone models” rumor

Image via information architects Remember when crazy faithful Macenstein reader Doug wrote us telling us to expect Apple to release at least two and possibly even three models of iPhone this spring? (see Even more rumors: The new iPhones’ specs) Well, two conflicting reports from two fairly major and reputable sites suggest their may be something to Doug’s claims... Read More

Even more rumors: The new iPhones’ specs

Notice the placement of the apostrophe in that title. Faithful Macenstein tipster Doug writes in yet again with insight into 3 upcoming iPhone models allegedly set to be released. Just as the iPod lineup developed and branched out, so does Apple have plans for the iPhone lineup. Here’s some of what is being considered: A “Pro” or “Max” model, that... Read More

Rumor: Apple’s Blu-Ray plans revealed

Anyone want a rumor? We got one, cheap. Sighting “a source” and “info gleaned from various non disclosures”, faithful Macenstein tipster Doug has written us with what he claims is Apple’s forthcoming plan to offer a new Blu-Ray burner/NAS device geared toward video professionals and tying into the Final Cut Server line. As with all rumors we present,... Read More

iTablet: Ramblings of a madman revisited

“remember my Mac Nano leak? Well, this patent shows that Apple HAS been researching docking technology -slash – turn a portable or tablet into a desktop methods. Maybe now I’ll get the respect I so richly deserve!” Such are the words of faithful Macenstein reader Doug who is referring to his November 30th e-mail to us in which he outlined Apple’s... Read More

The Macworld iTablet: Ramblings of a Madman, or does he know something…?

Very rarely at Macenstein, someone who knows a little bit of something drops us a tip in the days leading up to a big Mac event, such as Apple’s Macworld this January. More often, however, we get crazy rambling letters from conspiracy nuts. The problem with discounting the conspiracy nuts out of hand is, of course, they are usually right. Apple probably IS working on a cold... Read More


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