When Steve Jobs says “Jump”, Phil Schiller asks “How High?”
When I heard Phil Schiller was going to deliver this year’s Macworld keynote speech, I admit I wasn’t all that excited. But all that’s changed after seeing this clip of Phil Schiller at Macworld 1999. Watch in amazement as Phil leaps from a 20 foot platform to demonstrate how tough the Tangerine iBook is (or, at least how tough the air mattress he lands on is).... Read More
Wow Steve, FireWire sounds really cool! When’s it coming to the MacBook Pro?
So far the only regret I have about my new MacBook Pro is the lack of a FireWire 400 port. It’s not a huge deal, but its absence became immediately apparent when I began attempting to transfer the files from my old white MacBook (which has FireWire 400) to the new MBP which does not. Luckily I was able to find a spare piece of Ethernet cable at work and use the migration... Read More
OMFG “Adventure” comes to the iPhone! And it’s FREE!
Yes kids, there was a time when video games looked this bad, and they were played on a little thing called the Atari 2600. I remember when my brothers and I got our 2600 for Christmas, and Adventure was included in the box. Above: Behold the awesomeness that IS the golden castle! Above: I can’t believe I still remember the route of the maze after 25 years… and yes,... Read More
“Computers are the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds” – Another Great Steve Quote
In the full context of what is being discussed here, Steve’s “Computers are the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds” actually makes a decent amount of sense. However, who the heck cares about context these days?!?! Somebody needs to take this piece of footage and slap it onto a compilation reel along with Steve’s “Scrolls like butter” comment,... Read More
Fergie is a Mac Chick
If you remember this 2004 video introducing the iMac G5 you may recall seeing Fergie gush over the machine. “The iMac is amazing” she says, shaking her head in disbelief (approx 2:30 in). “I’m jealous of the kids today because they have this knowledge ahead of where I was when I was younger, and I only wish that I could have had this.” Well, whether... Read More
The only thing nerdier than comic books is…
…Comic books about computer inventors! Being a nerd who is into both comic books and computer inventors, I don’t know how I missed out on this 1984 Japanese comic book about how Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed Apple Computers. My only excuse is that I was about 4-years-old when it came out and roughly 8,900 miles away. Apparently, Jobs and Wozniak met when a fateful... Read More
Giant Pink Lady gets out-smarted by Mac Dude
I had read this story over a year ago during the original iPhone launch – a rich “would-be” eBay tycon pulls up to the line of people who had been waiting outside an AT&T store for hours, flashes $100,000 in cash, and buys the first-in-line spot from a kid for $800 in hopes of buying out the entire store’s iPhone supply, only to be told there is... Read More
Let’s hope FOX NEWS doesn’t release a 3G microphone this July
On the 1 year birthday of the iPhone, we thought a trip down memory lane was in order. Remember all the craziness surrounding the iPhone’s initial launch? Big crowds, professional line-sitters, street magicians pretending their iPhone had X-Ray abilities? Well, for me what sticks out as the craziest moment of the launch was when FOX NEWS anchor Laura Ingles was mugged while... Read More
Oh the humanity! NeXTCube set on fire.
Behold the terrible beauty of what happens when a NeXTCube’s magnesium case is set afire. Back in the Spring of ’93, Simson L. Garfinkel, then Senior Editor at NeXTWORLD Magazine, had the bright idea to test whether the NeXTCube’s legendary magnesium casing would burn with a white hot flame – leaving nothing but a pile of white powder, the way he remembered... Read More
Video: How people used to rent movies
Many of you may be too young to remember, but believe it or not, before there was iTunes, people used to actually go to a store and rent physical movies. Historic �Blockbuster�... Read More
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