Steve Jobs makes Captain America’s “To-Do” list

Captain America: The Winter Soldier doesn’t come out for a couple weeks still, yet a Redditor who was lucky enough to attend a screening managed to snap a still of Captain America’s “To Do” list, which lays out all the notable things The Cap apparently feels he missed out on while frozen in ice all those years. I’m not sure what Cap expects “ToDo”... Read More
Nothing Creepy about THIS! Young Steve Jobs Actions figures now on sale!

Got $400 lying around and a thing for sexy young egomaniacal computer geniuses? Then you’re going to want to head on over to Legend Toys and order your 1970’s and 1980’s “Young Steve Jobs” figures before Apple shuts them down with a cease and desist notice! Nothing Creepy here! As with previous Steve Jobs Action figures, the action seems fairly limited... Read More
Eerily detailed Steve Jobs action figure begins taking pre-orders

Continuing the long tradition of foreign countries with spurious copyright laws selling Steve Jobs-related merchandise (and then subsequently being served with cease-and-desist letters from Apple), Legend Toys is now taking Pre-orders for it’s $199 Steve Jobs Collectible figure. “As the first product of Legend Toys! The “Steve Jobs” collectible figure which... Read More
Just in time for Father’s Day! Rare Steve Jobs Atari memo hits auction block

One of the reasons advertisers flock to Macenstein is that it is widely known that our typical reader is a 55 year-old white Apple obsessed multi-millionaire male, which is why we present you with the following information. Sotheby’s auction house is apparently holding an auction for the earliest know documentation produced by Steve Jobs, which predates the founding of Apple... Read More
Death can’t stop Steve from being right

Well, the big news today was that Adobe has finally announced that it will no longer be supporting the Flash Mobile platform, instead opting to focus its attention on creating HTML 5 development tools. This news will come as a huge blow to fans of non-iOS devices who have been blindly throwing “lack of Flash support” around as a legitimate excuse for not buying an iPhone/iPad. There’s... Read More
Steve Jobs portrait made out of 3,500 Apples

That’s right. Apples. Not Oranges, like you might expect. When he learned of the passing of Steve Jobs, artist Olivier Lefebvre made a last-minute change to his entry in the Quebec Land Art contest and decided to create this tribute to our beloved leader, made entirely out of Apples. The project took him about 50 hours in total to complete, but as you can see, the results... Read More
Love the outfit choice

Faithful Macenstein reader and chalk artist Kelly Croy sent us this impressive timelapse video of a 6-foot by 8-foot drawing he did in tribute to the late, great Steve Jobs. And you have to admire his choice of outfit. Enjoy. Read More
Flowers outside the Shanghai Apple Store

Faithful Macenstein reader Min Wei writes: “Hi Doc, I was on the bus this morning and read the news about Steve. It is so sad he is gone. I happened to pass the Apple Store at Pudong Shanghai. There are some flowers and his picture in front of the store. Many shoppers stopped and paid their respects before they entered the store. Here are the three photos I took. The last... Read More
Stay Classy: Westboro Baptist Church announces (via iPhone) it will protest Steve Jobs Funeral

I would say it is ironic that the Westboro Baptist Church (of the infamous “God Hates Fags” movement which gained fame protesting outside of the funerals of little girls and fallen soldiers) announced that they will be protesting Steve Jobs’ funeral via an iPhone, but unfortunately, they already beat me to it. Yes, God hates fags, and apparently he also hates... Read More
iMiss Him Already

It seems like just yesterday we were speculating as to whether or not Steve Jobs might make a surprise appearance at the “Let’s Talk iPhone” event. Actually it WAS just yesterday, which is why the surprise news of Steve Jobs’ death today actually brought a little smile to my cynical lips. Given all the speculation over Steve’s health in recent years,... Read More
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