Not Cool - Macenstein - Page 4

The iPod viewed the same as steroids for runners

This may come as a shock to some of you, but I am not a competitive runner. I’m more of a rhythmic gymnast. So it was news to me to find that a Wisconsin marathon runner was disqualified for listening to her iPod while competing in the Lakefront Marathon last weekend. Apparently by turning on her iPod, 27 year-old Jennifer Goebel violated a USA Track and Field rule which... Read More

Oh, that poor Acura!

You know those annoying people who like to dress their little rat-like dogs in dorky sweaters and such, and you just know that the dog wishes to hell it was a real dog and could maul its owner to death? That’s sort of how I feel about this poor Acura who its owner has dressed as a clown. Yes, this shot was sent in by Faithful Macenstein reader (and iPhone developer) Kevin... Read More

Holy appendix, Batman!

Faithful Macenstein reader Batman writes: “Hey! It is now June 18 and you still have stuff at the top of your site from the 14. WTF? Are you dead or what? Do something!!!!!” Yes, as many of you who follow my Twitter feed know, I had to have my appendix taken out, so it was NOT, I repeat, NOT the 2 three scoop sundaes I got at Friendly’s that were ripping my stomach... Read More

I was wrong: It’s Apple screwing us, not AT&T

[WARNING: This post contains references to me attempting to do math, so all figures are subject to scrutiny and your usual criticism of how wrong I have it.] Well, a full day has passed since the WWDC, and I think now with a little bit of distance comes clarity. I was pretty angrily bashing AT&T for screwing us current iPhone 3G customers with their $200 “early upgrade... Read More

FAIL: APPLE can’t get AT&T to turn on MMS, yet developers can

Faithful Macenstein reader Matthew writes: Hey Doc, I was just checking out Apple’s page on iPhone OS 3.0 and it looks like even Apple web designers don’t have access to MMS features in the iPhone 3.0 betas. Here’s a snapshot of the MMS screen with the little red exclamation points next to the picture they tried to send along with the link. those would show up... Read More

The worst Apple April Fool’s jokes of 2009

There’s a great pressure in the Mac blog-o-sphere to attempt to be funny on April First, and many blogs just aren’t up to the challenge. Obviously our site is hysterical EVERY day, so we do not feel the need to make up some BS story in an attempt to get a cheap LOL, and neither should these sites: Steve Jobs is dead – Tasteless MacBook Tablet released ! –... Read More

Chinese company releases Apple’s netbook for them

We Apple fanboys are used to pointing accusing fingers towards PC offerings that bear a striking similarity to Apple’s own. And as blatant as many of these “homages” to Apple’s design may be, for the most part these companies have been content to leave the theft at design cues and materials. However, in the wild west that IS Shenzhen, China, all bets are... Read More

This is why the App Store will fail

Wow. Talk about an unlikely celebrity to want to keep tabs on… I mean, Project X was good, but not that good. Matthew Broderick Fans ($1.99) “We are proud to introduce your ONE STOP app to get everything related to “Matthew Broderick “. Get the up to the minute news, bio, exclusive Photos and join other fans! Download today, Keep Up-to-date Now!” Hmm…... Read More

Media Temple sucks, Part 2

cartoon via PCWeenies Well, THAT sucked…. Our outage today was (for once) not directly related to Media Temple, other than we finally got so fed up with them that we moved the site to a new host. Unfortunately, things did not go all that smoothly (for some reason the database was merged with that of another site we have on Media Temple). We’re not sure why that happened,... Read More

A&E violates Apple’s EULA

Move over Psystar, looks like Apple has bigger fish to fry! Check out this little bit of DMCA-circumventing that A&E thought they could slip by us simply because they figured no one would be watching their new Patrick Swayze vehicle, The Beast. Well, apparently they didn’t count on eagle-eyed faithful Macenstein reader (and Swayze fan) Kerry! “I was watching... Read More


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