Latest iPhone clone boasts unique feature
Currently one of the most watched items on eBay the $108.88 I68+ TOUCH SCREEN UNLOCKED I9 for T-MOBILE AT&T PHONE is one of the best iPhone clones we’ve seen, even if it IS a 1st gen clone. Above: Well, at least they took the Apple logo off, which is more than some clone makers did… Aside from the upside-down back and odd camera placement, you might think it... Read More
This is why we watermark ’em Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader meggert for the links! Read More
Not ALL the Macworld Keynote coverage was boring!
Uh oh, someone check and see if Malcor has an alibi! Macrumorslive had an unfortunate visit from the Hacker Fairy during its Macworld ’09 keynote coverage (see below). Above: Click to embiggen (warning, not for the kids). The stream was taken down after about 5 minutes, but it looked like it was going to be a pretty exciting Keynote, with quite a few exclusives on Steve Jobs’... Read More
Another “inspired” app hits the app store
Remember when the app store first launched, all those level apps that hit the store? It was quickly revealed that Apple shipped the source code to make a level app as part of the sample applications that come in the iPhone developer kit. All these people did in some cases was change the skin slightly (and in 1 notable case, not at ALL) and then they started selling it on iTunes. Well,... Read More
Write a Caption, Win a Prize
Thank you we have our winner. This contest is closed. Start me up. Rrrrwwwoooawwwrrr…. Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo. If we think it’s the most clever, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate. The contest is open to everyone... Read More
Um, ewww…
OK now, you see?! This is precisely why Apple has been trying to make it so difficult to Jailbreak an iPhone. Faithful Macenstein reader Jeremy (apparently just to mess with our heads), has installed the BlackBerry Storm theme on his iPhone. Curse you Cydia!!!! Read More
Oh Snap! Barack Obama uses a Zune!?
OK, I realize there are many of you who would like to now take back your vote, but assuming you were able to remain conscious after reading that headline, I think there is some good we can take from this. Yes, Neal Santos over at CityPaper claims he got to jog next to the President elect (and his Secret Service detail) at his local healthclub this morning, and yes, according to... Read More
Redefining “user unfriendliness”: Linux is ported to the iPhone… for some reason
I’ve never been a fan of how user-friendly the iPhone’s OS is. Sure, it’s OK, but it’s always bothered me that I did not need a USB client, computer and keyboard hooked to it to display a text-navigated kernel, and instead I was forced to use that beautiful graphical interface and intuitive touch screen to navigate my visually stunning and well-designed apps... Read More
How can two blondes bouncing on a bed with iPhones not be interesting?
THIS is how. Watch these two girls demo the iPhone app “Pocket Jockey“, and see if you can keep the sound on for more than 30 seconds. Above: Redefining “annoying”. Read More
OK, this is just sad
There’s no denying that Microsoft’s “I’m A PC” ad campaign is setting the world on fire… (cough… crickets chirping, etc.), but with the economy tanking, I don’t even want to think of the person who is dropping their hard earned cash at the “I’m a PC” store this holiday season. Featuring a wide range of “I’m... Read More
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