Photos - Macenstein - Page 6

A Mac that will attract bugs: The GingerMac

Apple has a long history of making computers that look so good you might want to eat them. Well, here’s a Mac that may fall a little short in the looks department, but you actually could eat it (assuming you can choke down Gingerbread, that is). This work of edible art stands about 8 inches tall, and has chocolate icons and a chocolate cursor. I think I would have written... Read More

Write a Caption, Win a Prize

Thank you we have our winner. This contest is closed. Start me up. Rrrrwwwoooawwwrrr…. Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo. If we think it’s the most clever, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate. The contest is open to everyone... Read More

We wish you a nerdy Christmas!

“What happens when a group of Apple nerds volunteer to set up their high school’s Christmas Tree in the main lobby? They make an Apple logo tree topper of course! “ I actually think a better question is “What is up with that one kid’s pectorals? “ They appear to be radioactive. What with the “War on Christmas” being hard fought,... Read More

Apple Mudflaps

I’m a big believer in stereotypes, so I’m not sure how many Mac users drive vehicles that require mudflaps, but I’d wager that for the two or so that do, this classy item would make a welcome change from the Silver Naked Lady they no doubt are currently using. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Pete for the tip! [flickr]  Read More

Incase’s choice of colors is “inspired”

I’m a big fan of Incase’s gear, but I’ll admit the choice of green they used on their new iPhone Protective Cover cases didn’t make sense to me until I saw this shot. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jason for the tip!  Read More

Mac users “neat freaks”? Hardly

Above: The ideal? As everyone who watches The Simpsons knows, Mac users prefer sterile environments. That is why it is so odd to find that Macs made quite a few appearances in the BBC’s Top 9 list of Chaotic Work spaces. As faithful Macenstein reader Mark notes: “… They show 9 pictures. 6 of these pics show computers. 4 of the 6 are Macs! What conclusion can you... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jordana Brewster

Well, if it isn’t my favorite little Texas Chainsaw Massacre-ette, Jordana Brewster looking neither Fast nor Furious with her iPhone! And in a case no less! (Is that an Incipio? I love those). Above: Punky’s sister Jordana Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Nathan for the link! [via Jordana]  Read More

Please tell me this is Photoshopped

Actually, don’t. I want this picture to be real so bad it hurts. Does the Segway come with splash guards? Above: Maybe he should change his name to “The Wiz” If that is indeed Woz, and he is indeed pissing while on a Segway at a public urinal, he is officially Macenstein’s “Man of the Year”. If it’s Photoshopped, then the guy who did it... Read More

How to: Turn a Fuji Apple into a McIntosh

The best way I have found to trick a kid into drinking milk is to throw some food coloring in the glass. Somehow, food that looks wrong is just more fun to eat. So odds are that these Fuji Apples, which have been grown with images of the iPod and Apple logo on them, will be big hits with the traditionally fruit-phobic tech crowd. Yes, these are definitely cool, and if you want... Read More

It’s like a window into my future

This old man was snapped surfing for porn in the London Apple store a few months back. Apparently everyone, including employees, saw him and nobody said anything, which is good to know as I will be visiting London soon. While we cannot see his face, I’m pretty sure Hollywood couldn’t have cast a better person to play the part of “dirty old man“. I mean,... Read More


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