WTF - Macenstein - Page 7


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Chris Brown sends Rihanna an iPod touch to smooth things over

According to the New York Daily News (who is never wrong), Chris Brown, fresh from very publicly (allegedly) beating the hell out of Rihanna, has sent the battered singer an iPod touch for her birthday. Awww… Sounds like a keeper, ladies! “Chris [Brown] called Rihanna to wish her a happy birthday,” an insider tells us. “He’s absolutely trying to get... Read More

Hmmm… Might be time to knock €24,016.13 off that thing

Remember last year when that “beautiful” €26,000, gold and crystal-covered MacBook Air by Bling My Thing made its ultra-classy debut? Well, guess what still hasn’t sold… Faithful Macenstein reader Fabrizio writes: “Hi Doc, I live in Berlin (Germany) and last week as i went to buy something in a (the biggest Store in europe like Harods... Read More

Taliban leader “addicted” to his iPhone

When I hear the word “Taliban”, many (largely bearded) images spring to mind, but an iPhone is not one of them. However, according to a recent report by Al Jazeera, the iPhone is quickly becoming one of the Taliban’s favorite Tools of Terror (and no, we aren’t just talking about the farting apps). Mullah Zaif, the former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, says... Read More

I’m STILL not watching

I guess when he started dating reality TV star Kathy Griffin we should have sensed Woz wanted his 15 minutes of fame, but gee whiz Woz. There’s fame, and then there’s Dancing With the Stars fame. Yes, ABC has announced their picks for this years contestants on the inexplicably popular dancing show, and none other than Apple co-founder (and current Apple fan conFUSER)... Read More

Police force woman to give up her iPod as cab fare

After 20 swipes of 20-year-old Nataie Lenhart’s credit card resulted in 20 “declined” messages, cab driver Mohammed Islam called 911. The responding officers to the “crime” scene (JFK International Airport) then proceeded to come up with one of the more bizarre (if not illegal) solutions to the problem – They forced Lenhart to give the cab... Read More

Ha ha ha… Psystar

OK, seriously, who is funding Psystar? I mean, being able to afford to finance a defense/countersuit against Apple’s big wig lawyers is one thing, but it takes some serious coin to afford to advertise on Macenstein! So where is this money coming from? Anyone know of anyone outside of a the 4 tech blogs who initially bought one to write about that actually bought a Psystar... Read More

Move over GarageBand… Microsoft’s Songsmith is here!

I crap you not, this thing appears to be a real product… (warning, this video also appears to be “songtastic”). “Microsoft, huh? So it’s pretty easy to use?” (1:55) Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the tip!  Read More

iPhone Engrish of the day: Reversi and Sexy Girl

If you flip through the screen shots, Reversi and Sexy Girl appears to basically be the game Othello, but you wouldn’t know it from this description in iTunes. In fact, you might think you are going to get laid if you win… Above: “Nomal”? Reversi and Sexy girl It sprouts and plays “Reversi” with a beautiful girl. (Is it a cow?) Three... Read More

Whoops! iWork ’09 shows up on Apple’s downloads page

We were 99% sure that iWork ’09 was a slam dunk for today’s Macworld event, but just to seal the deal, Apple has sealed the deal by prematurely listing iWork ’09 in its downloads page. Wow! And it’s already number 5! Actually the link just brings you to the iWork ’08 page, but we think it’s safe to say that will change in about 3 hours. Thanks... Read More


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