Celebrity Mac Chick - Macenstein - Page 6

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting revisited: Lindsay Lohan

Well, they say any publicity is good publicity… We’ve previously spotted Lindsay with her PowerBook, so despite passing on the iPhone, it appears she is indeed a bonafide Mac Chick as she has apparently upgraded to the new MacBook. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader KenseiDave for the link! [via idontlikeyouthatway]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisted: Christina Ricci

We’ve spotted Christina Ricci flying her Apple-fan-girl-flag before, but she just looks so cute here, I had to post this. (Plus I saw Black Snake Moan since then which totally changed my opinion of her hotness and obliterated any shreds of Wednesday from Addams Family Values that might have been lingering in my mind). Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader KenseiDave for the link! [via UseMyComputer]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Erin Andrews

Odds are most of you know Erin Andrews from that virus you downloaded last week while looking for that secretly-taped nude video of her that was all over the web, while a few of my manlier readers may actually know her from her work as an ESPN commentator. Well, being an Apple-fanboy I am most familiar with Erin for these pictures of her with her MacBook Pro PowerBook! (OK, it’s actually the video. But the Mac comes a close second.) [images via Awful Announcing]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Rose McGowan

Hey looks like Rose McGowan not only picked up a new iPhone, but she also apparently got a very realistic fake leg. You go girl! Above: Rose’s new leg looks MUCH more natural than her old one (below) [via UseMyComputer]  Read More

Disheveled Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Sarah Silverman

Well, after a long drought of Celebrity Mac Chicks, this has been a stellar week. Faithful Macenstein reader stupod sent us two iPhone shots he noticed from Sarah Silverman‘s Twitter. Went running in Tompkins Sq Park and ended up adopting 11 kids. I am such an impulse buyer! Ben “Jewish” Schwartz and myself on the set of Peep World. We are brother and sister.  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Milla Jovovich

If there’s one thing I love in this world, it is bad zombie movies. And if there’s THREE things I love, it is all three Resident Evil movies (and God willing, the rumored 2010 “Resident Evil: Afterlife”). So that is why I am going to go ahead and call Milla “Leeloo” Jovovich a celebrity Mac Chick even though I only have a 89% certainty that she is holding a 1st gen iPod touch in these pictures. Besides, “touch” and “Mila Jovovich”... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting revisited: Alyssa Milano

Above: Anyone else pleasantly surprised by how well Alyssa is aging? Eagle-eyed faithful Macenstein reader Christoffer spotted the second-hottest female from Who’s The Boss? (right behind Mona, of course) sporting her iPhone at a Chelsea and Inter Milan soccer game. I never in a million years would have thought I’d find something worth watching at a soccer game, but these pictures have almost changed my mind. Almost. [via Hollywood Tuna]  Read More

Macenstein’s Mac Chick-en of the Month July 2009: Leona Devi

Faithful Macenstein reader Simon writes: “I hatched this chick and it loves to sit on my PowerBook G4 as it is nice and warm. Do you think this counts as Mac Chick Of The Month?” Well Simon, due to some unforeseen scheduling conflicts with Miss July, it just might have to… Good thing she’s cute! • Name: Leona Devi • Age: A week old • Location: Norfolk, UK • Occupation: None • First Apple product you bought: I am still very young, but I do... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisited: Shauna Sand

Odds are you remember former Playmate Shauna Sand from the hit 90’s TV show Renegade, starring her then husband, Lorenzo Lamas. Well, actually odds are you don’t, but if you did remember her, then odds are you’d be as excited as me that she has an iPhone. Renegade is probably the most influential TV show of my life, and is the main reason I grew my hair long, got a motorcycle, and became a bounty hunter – cruising the Southwestern deserts for bad guys. Of course,... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Denise Richards

OK, sure Denise Richards might be a nut bar now, but I hold a special place in my heart (and other parts) for the girl who made both Starship Troopers AND Wild Things not only watchable, but re-watchable. Besides, she’s still hot. Above: Denise Richards and her iPod at the beach. [via Celebslam]  Read More


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