Rampant Speculation - Macenstein - Page 6


Faithful Macenstein reader Kensei writes: What happened to the AppStore? Yesterday there was 180+ pages of…. well crap and now there is only 88 pages. Routine maintenance? Hacked? Spring Cleaning? Also latest release date is 14th of September. Hmmmmm. Hmm… We have no idea, Kensei. While we’d LIKE to think Apple went in and ripped out all the worthless crap apps, there are nowhere NEAR 88 pages of quality iPhone apps on iTunes right now. 🙂 We’re guessing... Read More

First fake “leaked” MacBook Pro hits the web

Thoughts? Personally, I find the Apple Store employee shirt a little much. We’re closing in to October 14th, so this should be the first of many. [via faithful Macenstein reader chalkartist via iphonesavior]  Read More

Does Jailbreaking lead to better Wi-Fi?

So, does Jailbreaking improve Wi-Fi reception, or does the iPod touch just have a MUCH better Wi-Fi antennae than the iPhone? That is the question posed by faithful Macenstein reader Brian: “I was visiting family last weekend and my wife’s cousin pulled out his jailbroken first gen iPod Touch to show me the apps he had installed. I had my 3G iphone with me and when we both went to connect to wireless we discovered a huge difference between the two devices. As you... Read More

Apple’s “Brick” riddle, deciphered

Yes, we feel we’ve deciphered “The Brick” riddle – not that it helps actually clear up anything… Multiple sites are buzzing with news of a new Apple product, code named “The Brick” that could debut as early as October 14th. Speculation first began when 9to5Mac claimed to have an inside source which spoke about a mysterious new project Apple was working on code named “The Brick”. Unfortunately, aside from the name “The... Read More

MacBooks getting a sizable graphics boost next month?

Mac Soda claims to have the scoop on a new type of embedded graphics chipset the (alleged) new MacBooks coming out next month will be sporting. “YAWN! Embedded graphics again? Who cares?” you say? Well, yeah, but according to their sources, Apple is ditching Intel’s chipset in favor of one from a more reputable graphics card maker – namely, NVIDIA. “MCP7A-U is the top class chipset in the MCP7A family. Though it could be named as GeForce 9XXX,... Read More

Pocket Mini Golf 2 coming to the iPhone

We don’t have all that much to go on yet aside from these screen grabs, but it looks like Clickgamer is looking to bring about an iPhone port of their popular Pocket Mini Golf 2 title to the iPhone. Based on the shots, it looks like a pretty dead-on port of the original which was quite popular on Pocket PCs and Smart Phones. No word on whether any of the expansion packs will be included or a price, but given that the game costs a somewhat steep $20 for all other mobile... Read More

“America’s Hat” getting iPhone tethering before America?

Rogers says iPhone customers can tether their iPhones starting in October… so how are they going to do it? There has been some speculation in the US as to whether or not AT&T will allow for a new iPhone data plan which allows for “tethering” laptops to the iPhone. Tethering allows iPhone users to share their internet connection via EDGE or 3G with their computers for those times they are on the road and away from Wi-Fi hotspots. The NetShare application... Read More

Batman LEGO game for iPhone is the best unfounded rumor ever

If there’s one thing I love more than LEGOs, it’s Batman. And if there’s one thing I love more than Batman, it’s the iPhone. That’s why I totally understand the excitement behind a fast-spreading rumor that LEGO Batman is being ported to the iPhone. Never mind that there appears to be zero evidence of this at the moment – all we have to go on is an anonymous tip to Pocket Gamer – and never mind I can’t think of any possible... Read More

iPhone 2.1 Maps to boast Google Transit?

Faithful Macenstein reader Justin over at When Will Apple? proposes an interesting theory on at least one cool new feature we may see in the next iPhone firmware revision. “Well I just checked out Google maps on my PC and noticed something new today. You can… now select public transportation and walking directions!!! If Apple is smart they will include this new update for Google maps into their Google maps app on the iPhone…maybe in 2.1 firmware update? This... Read More

Apple no longer cares about Unlocked iPhones?

Remember that exciting game of cat and mouse Apple was playing with hackers of the 1st gen iPhone? Each and every iPhone update, in addition to some bug fix or throw away feature, also broke the ability of the device to be jailbroken and unlocked for use on other carriers. Well, although with multiple international carriers and the new app store there is less reason than ever to jailbreak your iPhone, faithful French Macenstein reader le Mac claims his unlocked and jailbroken... Read More


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