Security - Macenstein - Page 3


TUAW reports on a zero-day exploit in the Safari browser which can potentially cause the the unintentional downloading of files and applications to a users drive. Like any exploit, the people who discovered it claim it is OMG-critical, and are begging Apple to jump on a patch. Apple says they are aware of the problem, and will get to it when they are good and ready. I’m not sure what the danger is in files being downloaded, other than the inconvenience of a cluttered desktop... Read More

Turns out the latest “Mac security hole” does Windows

You play with FireWire, you’re gonna get burned… Remember that “critical” Mac OS security exploit we told you about last week? Well as it turns out, it isn’t just a problem for the Mac. Windows XP is apparently vulnerable as well, and Windows users may actually have more to worry about than we Mac geeks. Read More  Read More

Apple says new OS X security exploit not a big deal: discoverers decide to make it a big deal

In, Security glitch exposes OS X account passwords, reports on a newly discovered vulnerability in the way OS X stores username and password info during the login process. The exploit was discovered by the appropriately named Jacob Appelbaum, a San Francisco-area programmer who dropped this “bomb” on Apple February 5th: “This is a real problem and it needs to be fixed,” said … Appelbaum. He said he disagreed with the company’s [Apple’s]... Read More

Apple releases secuirty update 2007-09 (again)

Have you ever experienced déjà vu? You know, the feeling that somehow, somewhere, you’ve downloaded the same security update twice? Well, you’ll be happy to know, it’s not just you. Just four days after Apple released Security Update 2007-09 version 1.0, they today released it again, in the form of Security Update 2007-09 version 1.1 (available via Software Update). New to this update is… nothing. At least on the surface, that is. Apple claims it... Read More

New Mac Trojan targets porn viewers (i.e. Everyone)

Intego has issued a rare “critical” security alert for Mac users pertaining to a new Trojan Horse application – primarily spread through visiting adult websites. Exploit: OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse Discovered: October 30, 2007 Risk: Critical Description: A malicious Trojan Horse has been found on several pornography web sites, claiming to install a video codec necessary to view free pornographic videos on Macs. A great deal of spam has been posted to many Mac... Read More

Samba bug in OS X allows hackers root access

Posted by Lab Rat According to PC World, Symantec has upped the warning level to Mac users this week on a Samba exploit first discovered in May of this year after discovering the exploit has been uploaded to the Metasploit hacking framework. Despite Samba’s developers having released a fix a day after the discovery, Apple has yet to patch the hole. The exploit can allegedly allow a hacker to gain root access to a Mac which is running Samba. Samba is turned on in Macs when... Read More


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