steve wozniak - Macenstein

This could be the greatest photo ever taken

Every once in a while a piece of Apple history emerges that is so utterly amazing that I can’t imagine how I somehow never knew about it. Case in point, this picture of a genuinely in-shape Steve Wozniak and a totally wasted(-looking) David Lee Roth. The story goes that Steve Wozniak sponsored two Multi-Day rock concerts back in ’82 and ’83 called the US Festivals. Big name acts included such legends as The Police, Motley Crue, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, the... Read More

Apple shuts down M.I.C., once again

Ahh, would you look at what I got in the mail today, a message form M.I.C telling me that Apple has ordered them to stop selling their iHub USB hub. Luckily, it says my order will still be honored, so it would seem I am quickly building quite the collection of “Apple-legal-cease-and-desist” devices from M.I.C, already having ordered and received my banned Steve Jobs action figures. What I find most interesting about this is obviously M.I.C knows Apple will shut them... Read More


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