Humor - Macenstein - Page 4

NSFW: Siri as marriage counselor

With more and more of us becoming more comfortable talking to our phones than each other, I actually don’t think this is too far off. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the tip! Via CollegeHumor  Read More

Furby and Siri: A match made in Gzerblens

Watching this video it’s easy to see why Furby was so popular. Just look at the life-like expressions and witty banter he comes up with. It was really like owning your own personal ALF. And seeing this 1980’s technology coming face to beak with with the latest in voice recognition takes me back to the days when the only way to fuck with Furby was to break out a Speak... Read More

Well, I suppose technically this counts…

“Wife’s iPad. I just wanted to play angry birds.” That is the title of this image snapped from an unsuspecting (but hopefully happy) husband and now expectant father to be. Honestly, I can’t think of a better or more creative way to tell your Apple-nerd of a husband about an impending birth. In fact, The Bride of Macenstein has long since learned the ONLY... Read More

Original iPhone 5 drawing hits eBay

And by “original”, I don’t mean it was in any way involved in the production of the rumored-to-be-forthcoming iPhone5 – just that it is a one of a kind original drawing by a person of little to no artistic talent detailing what they think the iPhone 5 might look like. And he’ll even SIGN IT! I'd buy one Whether or not the current 0.99¢ price tag... Read More

Darth Vader, Goats, and Pizza – What CAN’T you do in the Apple Store?

Mark Malkoff

Everyone knows the Apple store is fairly liberal with indulging the more eccentric (ie. annoying) customers who insist on bringing in their dogs into the store or trying to become famous by doing one of those “douche chill”-inspiring Apple Store dance videos, but comedian Mark Malkoff decided to test just how far you can go in an Apple store before being escorted out. It... Read More

11-inch MacBook Air is ZOMG Awesome!

ZOMG 11-inch MacBookAir

Initial benchmarks have placed the new 11-inch MacBook Air very close in performance to the top of the line MacBook Pro of last year, and shown a nearly 150% increase in Geekbench scores. Yet, for anyone doubting the awesomeness of the of the 11-inch MacBook Air, check out Apple’s part number for the fully maxed out 11-inch model. ZOMG! Looks like Apple knows it’s got... Read More

What’s wrong with this picture?

Wrong Hole

Looks like Apple’s educational storecould use a lesson in MacBook anatomy. [via Reddit]  Read More

Steve Jobs look-a-like selling tea in Taiwan

Steve Jobs Tea Salesman

Oh, Steve’s not gonna like this. Or is he? A Taiwan-based tea company has posted a new ad featuring a Steve Jobs look-a-like letting people know they can earn a chance to win an iPad 2 with each purchase. Apple recently cracked down on contests using “iPhone” and “iPad” in their promotional materials, and they’ve been quick to protect Steve’s... Read More

Conan posts an awesome video only 100 people understood

Conan o'Brien

As a testament to how unpopular the new Final Cut Pro X is with professional editors, Conan O’Brien dedicated a full 2 minutes of his show to ripping the new piece of software, despite the fact that 99.999% of his audience had probably never even heard of Final Cut Pro. This video is also a testament to how once your late night show moves to basic cable, you can pretty much... Read More

Angry Birds, domino style

Angry Birds Domino

When it comes the the YouTube Domino video world, Flippycat is a legend (yes, there IS a YouTube Domino world). In fact, his amazing clips inspired my son to make his own awesome domino videos when he was 3 (and by awesome, I mean adorably horrible), and I invite you to check them out here and here). But I’m not here simply to bore you with home movies, rather, to point out... Read More


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