Further evidence that Darth Vader invented the iPod
Extremely long-time readers may recall that I uncovered evidence that Darth Vader in fact invented the iPod. (above: the iPod was conceived a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away¦) Well, I uncovered further evidence while watching the season finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As you can see, in the episode entitled “Hostage Crisis”, we can clearly see Anakin... Read More
A guy who is “turned on” by thumbs
Get it? Cause that’s a Power Button symbol this genius has had permanently embossed on his right thumb via what looks to be a fairly painful process known as skin removal. Now, I have my share of regrettable tattoos, but skin removal seems a little out there even for me. Although I must say the thought of being able to give everyone the finger while pretending to be promoting... Read More
iPhone suffers heatstroke
Looks like the iPhone needs sunscreen, at least when visiting Arizona in the summer. Jeff, a reader over at The iPhone blog sent in a screenshot of his iPhone apparently suffering heatstroke. “Don’t sit next to a pool in Scottsdale Arizona when it’s 104 degrees or your iphone will melt away! So how to fix it fast? I put the iPhone between 2 cold beers and it worked!” “Here’s... Read More
Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (April 2009): Nhess

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Nhess, a French web developer, and of course, full-time Mac Chick! Photos by James Desauvage Read More Read More
Write a caption, win a prize
[THANK YOU, WE HAVE A WINNER – KEVIN T WITH ” We should move along… these aren’t the ports we’re looking for…” YES, IT WAS SLIGHTLY OUT OF ORDER, BUT HE WAS THE FIRST WITH THE IDEA.] Mr. Jobs is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress. … Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your... Read More
Canadian hardware store tricks Apple into paying for half its billboard
Canadian hardware store chain Rona has created one of the most brilliant billboard advertisements ever, and they couldn’t have done it without Apple. In an effort to get the word out that Rona not only sells, but recycles paint as well, they hung up this banner under one of Apple’s iPod nano “dripping” billboards. What better way to talk about recycling... Read More
LEGO My iMac!
If there’s one thing I love more than Apple gear, it’s LEGOs. Well, OK, there’s nothing I love more than Apple gear, but LEGOs are a close second. Maybe third, after chocolate. That’s why I particularly love this LEGO G4 iMac made by Bjarne Tveskov out of a 7-inch digital picture frame. “There is no Apple hardware inside (for now),” writes Bjarne,... Read More
What do you know? Macs DO crash!
Has your computer ever crashed? No, I mean REALLY crashed? Like from 10,000 feet? Well, here’s the story of a Mac that did and lived to tell the tale. Above: Oh don’t worry, that will buff right out. When a Turkish Airways Flight crashed in Amsterdam earlier this year, killing nine people and injuring 121 others, there was one survivor that makes a pretty convincing... Read More
Denise Milani does MacBook unboxing right!

I never really got the whole “unboxing pictures” phenomenon. It seems every time a new Apple product comes out, a slew of Mac sites rush to their Apple store in hopes of getting their photo gallery of the new device to Digg first – usually in vain because Gizmodo or Engadget pretty much always beats them to it. Well, as much as I don’t really go in for unboxing... Read More
“Unknown face” my ass!
I totally know that guy. As much as I love this shot of iPhoto’s new “Faces” technology identifying a cookie dough blob as a face, it looks just a little too perfect for me. I mean, look at all the other dough balls… that chip placement is suspect, to say the least. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jimmy Schapira for the tip! Read More
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