Scooter users heart their Macs
Faithful Macenstein reader Eric from the Chicago Scooter Club (yes, it exists) ran a poll on their site about their member’s computer preference, and it looks like scooter owners prefer Macs over PCs by a factor of nearly 2 to 1! I’m not sure whether to be proud about that or not, but since scooters and geeks go hand in hand, I think we’ll take this as a win.... Read More
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Fieldrunners v1.2 released… And there was much rejoicing
Atomic Studios has just released Fieldrunners v1.2 with a slew of goodies sure to keep me too busy to update Macenstein for the next couple days. New in v1.2 is a new “Drylands” canyon map, a new flying Fieldrunner (a P-47 Thunderbolt), a new icon, better autosave, and faster loading times. But the big news for Fieldrunners fans is the addition of two new towers!... Read More
Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (January 2009): Mai

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Mai, a French dancer and filmmaker who is of course also a die-hard Mac Chick! Read More Read More
How cold is it?
It’s pretty freaking cold… Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Cold Miser for the link] [Photo by J.Bruna via Flickr] Read More
Yo-Yo Ma forgets the iPhone has no zoom
Photographer David Bergman put together an amazing zoomable 2GB panorama of Obama’s inauguration ceremony that is really worth checking out. Of special note, you can see quite clearly that Yo-Yo Ma, still rocking the 1st gen iPhone, decided to use it to try to take some pictures of the event, and the back of Obama’s head. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader JimmySchaps... Read More
Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Meghan McCain
I’m not entirely sure being the daughter of a presidential candidate/Senator makes you a celebrity, but I guess if you are featured in GQ you must be somewhat famous. So here’s Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain and her MacBook Pro, posing in bed together with a beer. Hmmm… maybe it WOULD have been a fun presidency after all… Thanks to faithful Macenstein... Read More
OMG, we’re all gonna die!
But this photo is worth it. Flickr user Stillframe may have created a time paradox that has doomed us all, but anyone who has both a Time Capsule and a DeLorean deserves some leeway. “Knowing it could cause a reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum; I was still quite curious to see what would happen if I replaced the Delorean’s Flux... Read More
MCotM Christmas spectacular!

Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, not the holidays! The time of year where we have one of our Mac Chicks dressed up (or down) for Christmas! Looks like Mrs. Claus has been working out! Yes, December’s Mac Chick of the Month Aerin was nice enough to give us the best gift of all, more pictures of her in a bikini with her Mac, including two new holiday... Read More
Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (December 2008): Aerin

Welcome to Macenstein‘s Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with an unprecedented 4 pages (And 2 of the hottest desktop wallpapers we’ve ever seen!) of the lovely Aerin, a Model / Copywriter / Graphic Designer, and of course,... Read More
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