The best smelling portrait of Steve Jobs ever

Anyone else love the smell of dry erase markers? And glue? And deadly chemicals in general? Well, check out this sweet Steve Jobs portrait made on iPhone development house Übermind’s whiteboard. (Timelapse video below). Read More
Well, this isn’t creepy at all

I have a horrible feeling that none of us actually exist and we’re all just part of a bad LSD trip Steve Jobs took in the 70’s… Read More
Steve Jobs retires as CEO

I sure hope Tim Cook has been practicing his terse, one-line emails, because it looks like Steve won’t be on the receiving end of our FCP Pro X complaints anymore. “Letter from Steve Jobs CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties... Read More
Steve Jobs look-a-like selling tea in Taiwan

Oh, Steve’s not gonna like this. Or is he? A Taiwan-based tea company has posted a new ad featuring a Steve Jobs look-a-like letting people know they can earn a chance to win an iPad 2 with each purchase. Apple recently cracked down on contests using “iPhone” and “iPad” in their promotional materials, and they’ve been quick to protect Steve’s... Read More
Steve Jobs, frozen in carbonite iPhone case feels like something I should want, but don’t

Society6 is selling a “Steve Jobs in Carbonite” iPhone case for $35 that in theory is such a perfect geeky combination that I SHOULD want to own it. But something about it just feels so very creepy… I’m not sure I would want to touch it, let alone hold it really close to my cheek. Still, the idea IS oddly awesome. If the iPhone case isn’t your thing,... Read More
Apple shuts down M.I.C., once again

Ahh, would you look at what I got in the mail today, a message form M.I.C telling me that Apple has ordered them to stop selling their iHub USB hub. Luckily, it says my order will still be honored, so it would seem I am quickly building quite the collection of “Apple-legal-cease-and-desist” devices from M.I.C, already having ordered and received my banned Steve Jobs... Read More
Steve Jobs de-knighted?
According to The Telegraph, Steve Jobs was just seconds away from obtaining a British knighthood when former Prime Minister Gordon Brown squashed the deal out of spite when Jobs declined to speak speak at Labour’s annual conference. Mr Jobs was put forward for the honour by the MP for services to technology. Apple is credited with revolutionising the industry in recent years... Read More
Steve Jobs: A Real American Hero
Look what showed up in the mail from Hong Kong today! My Steve Jobs Ninja action figure. Finally, someone can protect my desk from Cobra Commander’s evil plans. With his optional “Shuriken hand”, Steve really knows how to lay the smack down. And knowing is half the battle. Apparently Orange Domo can’t believe the awesomeness he is witnessing. Read More
Enquirer says Steve Jobs has 6 weeks left to live: Mariah Carey’s sister is a $250 per hour adult escort
Man, I am REALLY missing those days when the National Enquirer ran nothing but Big Foot sightings and alien probing stories. Unfortunately, in recent years the Enquirer has become a fairly accurate and legitimate news source, breaking some fairly major stories in the tabloid world, which is all the more disheartening as their latest headline claims that Steve Jobs has only 6 weeks... Read More
Newsflash: Steve Jobs IS human
Or at least he WAS, back in 1978 when this video was made. Gaze in wonder as a 23-year old Steve shows caveman-like amazement at his image appearing on a TV set and prepare to gawk open-mouthed as Steve demonstrates just a hint of the emotion we mortals call “nervousness” when told he will be simulcast to New York as well. He even threatens to vomit. Presumably sometime... Read More
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