bugs - Macenstein - Page 2

Where the F$#% is my 2.1 iPhone Update?!? [UPDATE: IT’S HERE!]

It’s 12:01 AM. What’s the frigging hold up here? No, it is NOT and you know it, iTunes! 6:20 AM: Damnit. 8:04 AM: C’mon Apple, I gotta get to work! 8:51 AM: Well, now I’m at work, so who gives a crap. 9:10 AM: It’s out  Read More

Was today my last iPhone restore?

Dare I hope? This morning, just as I was set to leave for work, my wife asked me to sync her iPhone for her. “Sure, no problem,” I thought (looking back, I am not sure why I thought that…). BAM! The thing freezes up, “Silver Apple Logo screen of death”, the whole nine yards. Immediately realizing I am now going to be at a minimum a half hour late for work, I forge ahead, wiping the iPhone clean, and beginning the restore process. Between my wife’s... Read More

iPhone 3G temporarily replaced with Siemens C65

Above: Hmmm… not sure what Marian’s problem is… As I prepare for my 4th iPhone 3G restore in the first 2 weeks since buying it, even I am getting tired of all the complaining about the iPhone’s version 2 firmware (although, I’m not as sick of the complaining as I am of the smart-asses who say “I have never had a problem yet, you must be doing something wrong“). So that’s why I found it so refreshing to receive a CC on faithful... Read More

If your iPhone 3G has lost all its data and your 3rd party apps crash on launch, clap your hands!

CLAP! CLAP! Yes, that’s right, I bought me a new 3G iPhone this Saturday, even after all my whining about how I was going to wait for a 32GB model to be released before updating my 1st gen. And honestly, I would have waited, if not for a series of somewhat odd circumstances which occurred over vacation last week involving an emergency room. (If you care to hear about them, I’ll throw them at the end of this article, as it is not really what the article is about). Above:... Read More

Apple threatens MobileMe customers with an additional 60 free days of service – haven’t we all suffered enough?

Apple has announced that in order to make up for the numerous and seemingly unsolvable glitches running rampant throughout their MobileMe service, they will be offering yet another free 2 month extension to MobileMe subscribers in addition to the 30 day extension they already have doled out. To me this like going to a restaurant and ordering a thick, juicy steak, only to be served a rancid bowl of overcooked broccoli instead. The out comes an apologetic waiter carrying out 2 more... Read More

Apple: “We still have no idea why MobileMe isn’t working”

Remember when “David G.” started that MobileMe status blog at the personal request of Steve Jobs to keep everyone up-to-date on MobileMe’s flaky outages? “Be assured people here are working 24-7 to improve matters,” wrote David, “and we’re going to favor getting you new info hot off the presses even if we have to post corrections or further updates later.” Well, that first post was July 25th, followed by a quick update on July... Read More

Another update, another glitch. Why does iTunes now constantly think ALL my apps have updates?

Just when I was beginning to think Apple had run out of buggy behavior it could shoehorn into the iPhone/iTunes dynamic duo, they have managed to come through yet again. First, beginning with last week’s iTunes 7.7.1 update, if I select “Applications”, then hit “Check for updates”, I am given a list of ALL my apps that have ever had an update, even the ones which were currently up to date. If I hit “download all updates”, it will download... Read More

Are white iPhones cracking?

If there’s 2 things I don’t understand in life, they are 1) Why Apple made a white iPhone, and 2) Why anyone would buy it. At least any guy. I have previously called the white iPhone “The Girliest thing since breasts“, and I stand behind that. However, while a black iPhone may simply be my preference, there now seems to be a bonafide reason to stay away from the white iPhone. Reports are popping up on Apple’s Discussion forum and on sites like... Read More

Where the #$%@ is the iPhone 2.0.1 firmware?!

In the first 13 months of owning an iPhone I restored my iPhone ONE time, and it was a voluntary act I performed to see if it would get rid of a little sluggish behavior (which it did). Since upgrading to the iPhone 2.0 firmware, however, I have had to restore my iPhone six times, in just 8 days. And this 6th iPhone restore really hurt. Yesterday I went on a trip into NYC with the family to see Miley Cyrus perform in Bryant Park (not exactly my idea of fun). The 4am trip involved... Read More

The iPhone “stowaway” playlist glitch

Hey kids, here’s something fun to try! Connect your iPhone to iTunes, and then hit the little arrow that shows you what your iPhone thinks you have synced. On mine, despite only having 4 playlists set to sync in iTunes, the iPhone thinks I have 17 playlists on it. Above: I only have 4 playlists checked to sync, yet the iPhone is showing me 17 in iTunes. When I actually open the “iPod” app on the iPhone and check my playlists, I see that it has put 9 playlists... Read More


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