Girls - Macenstein - Page 3

Hopeless Romantic

The Bride of Macenstein is no stranger to romance. Early on, while dating, I got her a .357 Magnum handgun for her birthday. I figured with a present like that, she could get herself all the jewelry she wanted. Well, flash forward some 15 or so years to Mother’s Day 2010, and the romance is as alive as ever. Behold my Mother’s Day gift to the Bride of Macenstein! That’s right, it’s a collage of all her Flight Control HD scores, something ranked just above... Read More

The REAL benefit to being an iPad early adopter

When new technology comes out, cynics often claim that the early adopters pay the price not only in actual dollars, but by serving as guinea pigs for ironing out buggy 1st gen software and missing out on the cool 2nd generation hardware. But when I brought home my new iPad to the loving arms of the Bride of Macenstein, she had an experience that no 2nd gen iPad owner is likely to ever have. (For a couple of hours at least) she had one of the TOP 10 FLIGHT CONTROL SCORES IN THE... Read More

Applegirl002 sings her way into our hearts

Meet Applegirl002, or as I like to call her, “The Future Bride of Macenstein”. Sure, I’m already happily married, but let’s face it, it’s only a matter of time before she leaves me, and any woman with 3 iPhones who can sing like Beyonce is someone I can really see spending the rest of my life with. Maybe I’m blinded by love, but I think she has a really nice voice, and I can easily see her as the opening act for the new Journey band, filling... Read More

“Felicity” predicts iPad in 1999

Felicity‘s writers might not have been able to predict that letting their star cut her hair would doom the show, but the DID predict the iPad a full11 years before Steve unveiled it. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the tip!  Read More

iBook Slippers keep your feet toasty while pole dancing

It’s long been known the number one problem facing strippers during the winter months is frostbite. Well, one inventive gal has come up with a solution that doesn’t get in the way of her chosen profession. Behold the iBook slippers. Given the current value of the iBook, these might actually be cheaper than regular slippers. (Warning, do not watch this video on your iPhone, as it is probably considered “overtly sexual” by Apple)  Read More


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