iPhone - Macenstein

Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month December 2011: Tara Babcock

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Tara Babcock, a model, video game reviewer, and of course, a die-hard Mac Chick! “My name is Tara Babcock and I am a 21 year old professional model and writer of gaming articles for Impulse Gamer’s Tara’s G-Spot section. In... Read More

Death can’t stop Steve from being right

Well, the big news today was that Adobe has finally announced that it will no longer be supporting the Flash Mobile platform, instead opting to focus its attention on creating HTML 5 development tools. This news will come as a huge blow to fans of non-iOS devices who have been blindly throwing “lack of Flash support” around as a legitimate excuse for not buying an iPhone/iPad. There’s no telling how much money Adobe has poured into Flash mobile development over... Read More

Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month October 2011: Nicole Vaunt

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Nicole Vaunt! – Name: My name is Nicole Vaunt, or just Vaunt for short. – Location: I live in Philly but I’m constantly traveling. I’ve been all over the country a bunch of times, and I’m even making my first... Read More

Games that Don’t Suck: DragonVale

Today’s game that doesn’t suck is DragonVale (free/universal) , a Freemium title from BackFlip Studios. Before I go into why it doesn’t suck, let me just point out that this game actually came DANGEROUSLY close to getting a “Suck” rating, solely for the one fatal flaw that I will go into later in this review. However the awesomeness was ultimately able to beat out the suckage, so If you’re into Sim-like time wasters to help you escape the tedium... Read More

iCloud and little girls don’t mix

Looks like I will be turning off the “automatically sync new apps” on my iPhone now that my daughter has discovered the joys of downloading “freemium” game spam on her iPod touch.  Read More

The most involved iPhone app trailer we’ve seen (plus boobies)

In the Adobe After Effects world, Andrew Kramer is a bit of a legend. Many is the time I have perused his tutorial site Video Copilot and completely ripped him off found inspiration for my own projects. Well, in addition to cranking out awesome tutorials and plug-ins for After Effects, Andrew has now made the leap into the iPhone app arena with his “face changing” app Demon Cam. The app itself seems reasonably cool (if you’re into the face morphing apps) as unlike... Read More

You had me at “Hot Russian girls with Apple gear pulling off their clothes”

Faithful Macenstein reader currentinterest sent us this great clip of… something. Not sure exactly what, but the video, entitled “Putin’s Army” certainly plays like an Apple ad, with iPhones, MacBooks, and iPad unwrappings. Oh, and boobs. Enjoy. Here’s the official description of what is going on, although I’m not really any clearer after having read it on what the deal is with all the new Apple gear: “Called “Putin’s... Read More

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (July 2011): Tiffany Crystal

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Tiffany Crystal, a Model, actress, and of course, a die-hard Mac Chick! Tiffany is just an easy going, quirky Florida girl who also happens to be a full time model. For the past year she has been modeling and acting all throughout Florida. While... Read More

What are the odds it would land “camera up”?

I guess 50/50, actually… Check out this video of an iPhone surviving an 800 foot drop during a Airborne Parachute jump (Starts about 30 seconds in). Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the link!  Read More

Chinese teen is attempting to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4

I wonder why we don’t hear stories like this about Windows 7 and Droid phones? Horny American artist's conception In yet another story of people in China selling parts of their bodies for Apple gear, the Korea Herald is reporting that a Chinese teen is attempting to sell her virginity in order to get an iPhone 4. No word yet on what model of iPhone, or if the girl is attractive, but we’ll keep you posted as more information surfaces. Far be it for me to stop virgins... Read More


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