Apple Bashing - Macenstein - Page 6

As if I needed another reason to steer clear of museums…

Well, I can take some solace in that apparently the Museum Administrators have to walk a good distance to use the bathroom. via We Love Apple  Read More

Looks like Egypt is a little behind the times

Faithful Macenstein reader Jonathan sent us this awesome anthology of commercials for Egypt’s Panda Cheese featuring an easily angered Panda with no respect for those who won’t eat his cheese. (By the way, does anything sound less appetizing than Panda cheese?) What does this have to do with Apple? Not much. However, as Jonathan points out, the panda DOES “ go... Read More

FAIL for inaccuracy

The jokes on THEM. My iPhone has NEVER had for full bars. via TDW via TUAW  Read More

Why you should never buy a Mac

Sometimes as long time Mac users we take for granted that most of us know to ALWAYS buy the base model Mac and do any and upgrades ourselves – In fact, if I could somehow have gotten  “NEVER buy RAM from Apple” to fit cleverly on a license plate I would have. But Apple has a lot of new customers these days who may not be so savvy or willing to crack open their boxes... Read More

A Better iTunes Icon

There are lots of things to like about iTunes 10, but the new icon isn’t one of them. In fact, I have yet to hear anyone rave about Apple’s new icon (aside from Steve Jobs, that is). Seriously, it looks like something we would have seen on MP3 SoundJam in the 90’s. Well, Ryan James has done what Apple should have done in the first place, and made an iTunes... Read More

Apple’s September Music Event: The Good, The Bad, and the Meh

Well, another Apple special event has come and gone, and odds are you have no idea how you feel about it. Well, fear not, I’m here to tell you what you think. So without further ado, here is what was Good, Bad, and Meh about today’s music event. The Good iOS 4.1 – HDR photos, Game Center, Proximity sensor and other bug fixes…. Well, obviously we’d... Read More

Microsoft tells us why PCs are better than Macs

Microsoft has launched a new page comparing PCs to Macs, and guess who comes out on top? Let’s see if you can find six misleading statements hidden in Microsoft’s arguments below: (thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Billy for the tip!) Macs can take time to learn. The computer that’s easiest to use is typically the one you already know how to use. While some... Read More

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence

Here’s something odd… As we all know, the iPhone 4 does NOT have a reception issue with its antenna. Yet The New York Times is reporting that Mark Papermaster, that hot shot engineer that Apple wanted so badly to head up their iPhone Hardware Engineering department they had to fight IBM for him, and who coincidentally appears to be the driving force behind the iPhone... Read More

OK, so is Apple OK with exploitive App Store content or not?

I have a theory that there is ONE guy on the iTunes App Store Submission Approval Team (I call him Larry) who has decided to just say “Screw it” and is stamping “Approved” on all the sexually risque Apps that have been recently slipping back onto the iTunes store. Case in point, My Virtual Girlfriend. Now to be clear, I have no problem with this app or... Read More


There is so much going on here that it’s hard to really pick out individual things to make fun of, so I’ll let you do that in the comments. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Justas for the tip!  Read More


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