Humor - Macenstein - Page 3

Jonathan Ive’s biggest design challenge? Himself.

Jonny Ive with Hair

Reddit user pdmcmahon found this great clip from MacWorld 1999 (yes, not 1985) of a young Jonathan Ive sporting hair and what can only be described as an attempt at a mustache. The recently knighted Ive is largely considered to be a design genius, and as you can see from these shots, his “Jason Statham-esque” reinvention is clearly his best redesign to date.  Read More

Android tells Apple to Suck It

Chinese Droid Store Says Suck it Apple

If there’s one thing that has been missing in the cellular phone wars being waged across the globe, I think we can all agree it’s sodomy. Or, at least it WAS until one enterprising phone store in China decided to let the world know that Apple sucks Droid’s D – – K. There’s a couple things worth noting here, most notably that the Droid apparently suffers... Read More

Having a Cell Phone was ALWAYS cool

Zaqck Morris Saved by the Bell Cell Phone

Wow, this will take you back, assuming you were alive in the 80’s. Witness Zack Morris’ (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) awesome cell phone from Saved by the Bell. It’s a slow news day Friday, so there’s really nothing overly Apple about this post, other than Apple should really hire Gosselaar to be the iPhone’s next spokesperson given how ahead of the cell... Read More

Nothing creepy about this

It’s hard to really think of something coming out of Japan as “weird”, as there apparently is no such thing as “normal” there, but somehow this iPhone Hand Case just seems a little extra disturbing. I’d like to think that something is getting lost in the translation, but somehow I doubt it. The case, which appears to simply be an iPhone holder... Read More

Note to self: Do not buy iPhones while vacationing in Turkey

Low Battery Fake iPhone from Turkey

Usually when I travel (and even more so now that I have kids) I end up buying a bunch of cheap, random, crappy souvenirs that I almost immediately throw out or put in a box when I get home, never to be seen again (with the notable exception of these 2-headed wolf neck pillows embroidered with the Canadian flag that my kids just HAD to have when we went to Niagara Falls. Seriously,... Read More

Redefining iPhone “protection”

“Don’t hate the Playa, hate the game”. Or, do what I do, and hate Chris. It should be fairly easy to do, after watching this video for the Playa iPhone case by Annex. Honestly, the idea of keeping a condom in your iPhone is pretty smart, as I often have no idea where my wallet is, but I seem to always know where my iPhone is. Of course the reason I always know... Read More

Tim Cook Unboxes the new iPad

This Funny Or Die video of “Tim Cook” unboxing the new iPad isn’t exactly the most ACCURATE Tim Cook parody we’ve seen (not that we’ve seen many Tim Cook parodies yet) – Mike Hanford seems to be channeling Clay Aiken more than Cook – but still, I found it worth reposting if for no other reason than I like the idea of the CEO of the world’s... Read More

Hey, Whatever works!

You can’t argue with results. Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Walter for the tip!  Read More

FINALLY! Wireless baby-weighing comes to the iPhone!

Usually around January 5th or so I begin to think “Hmm… maybe I should have booked a trip to CES this year”, but then around January 9th, when I get press releases like this: “ Withings Unveils World’s First Internet Connected Baby and Toddler Scale Las Vegas Nevada, CES – January 8, 2012 — Today, French technology company Withings is announcing... Read More

This is why the terrorists hate us

Awww… look at the cute little kitty playing with the World’s most expensive cat toy! That’s right, this is a real app. It’s called Game for Cats (iTunes), and it’s free if you have a (preferably declawed) cat you’d like to mess with. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Marksman for the tip!  Read More


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