Not Cool - Macenstein - Page 7

Apple’s R&D department has been on fire recently. Literally.

According to Macworld, a late night fire ripped through Apple’s Cupertino R&D department last night, causing the 100 overworked employees still on the job to be evacuated while the fire department came and sprayed foam all over the prototype iTablets, Time Machines and Photon Guns. Hopefully this fire won’t delay Apple’s ability to put 32 GB of RAM into... Read More

Nullriver giveth tethering; Apple taketh away [UPDATED]

Last night for all of about 18 minutes, iPhone users were able to buy Nullriver’s NetShare, a $9.99 app that allowed users to share their iPhone’s internet connection with their computer. Apple removed the download link from the Apple store by the time most of us (myself included) heard about it last night, although they left NetShare’s description page up as if... Read More

Are white iPhones cracking?

If there’s 2 things I don’t understand in life, they are 1) Why Apple made a white iPhone, and 2) Why anyone would buy it. At least any guy. I have previously called the white iPhone “The Girliest thing since breasts“, and I stand behind that. However, while a black iPhone may simply be my preference, there now seems to be a bonafide reason to stay away... Read More

Big Brother Alert: Government airport searches of iPods for pirated media in the works

Well, I didn’t think it was possible, but government officials may have found a way to slow down the airport screening process even further. According to, legislation is actively being looked at in Australia and other countries (including the US) that would allow for officials to inspect laptops and iPods at airport customs and search for pirated music and movies. There... Read More

Hey Apple, what’s with all the delays?

Apple is one of the more notoriously secretive companies out there. Yet despite its best efforts (or perhaps because of them), nearly every recent major product announcement Apple has made has had some (or all) of the details leaked through the rumor community before the official unveiling. Of course, Apple always pretends those leaks never happened, announcing each product as if... Read More

Where the #$%@ is the iPhone 2.0.1 firmware?!

In the first 13 months of owning an iPhone I restored my iPhone ONE time, and it was a voluntary act I performed to see if it would get rid of a little sluggish behavior (which it did). Since upgrading to the iPhone 2.0 firmware, however, I have had to restore my iPhone six times, in just 8 days. And this 6th iPhone restore really hurt. Yesterday I went on a trip into NYC with... Read More

Mo’ Apps, Mo’ Problems. Whose iPhone 2.0 migration has gone smoothly?

Not mine, I’ll tell you that much. While I love the iPhone, and the Apps, I do not love the “rickety” feeling my gen 1 iPhone has now, as if I must handle it with kid gloves or risk crashing it. Not that it matters, kid gloves or not, it crashes. And don’t get me started on those hour-long syncs… Mo’ Apps, Mo’ Problems At first the migration... Read More

Developers furious over App Store “Line Cutting”

There’s a bit of bad blood brewing between developers of iPhone Apps these days. It seems several different companies have renamed their iPhone games to begin with either a space, a quotation mark, or some other symbol so that they appear first in the list of 197 games on the iPhone portal to the App Store. Jirbo, who often puts a space in the front of its applications’... Read More

Plano Texas Apple Store evacuated for bomb scare during iPhone launch

Well, the Plano Texas Apple Store has officially won the coveted 2008 “Worst iPhone Activation Experience” Award. While various Apple stores have all had their fair share of activation problems/server outages this morning, the launch at the Plano Texas Apple Store in particular deserves special mention. Faithful Macenstein reader Trish tells us that in addition to... Read More

Why does Apple still include the “Computer Name” screen saver in OS X?

Faithful Macenstein reader Brian brings up an excellent question for which I could think of no answer: “Why does Apple still include the “Computer Name” screen saver in OS X?” Surely, there is no lamer screen saver in creation, on any platform. For a company that hangs its hat on beautiful design, this screen saver feels more like someone at Apple wanted... Read More


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