Enter our “What Will Steve Call His Book?” Sweepstakes!
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Dr. Who who won with his entry of “One More Thing…” With news that the notoriously private Steve Steve jobs has hired former managing editor of Time magazine Walter Isaacson to write his official autobiography, one can only wonder what Steve’s masterpiece will be titled. Will it be something... Read More
[UPDATED] Chuck Norris Steve Jobs is so bad ass “he can get a Whopper at McDonald’s”
What do Steve Jobs and Chuck Norris have in common? They’re both ass-wipes. Well, at least the deified, internet version of Chuck Norris is (I’m sure he’s a lamb in real life). But according to NYMag, Steve Jobs is a different matter. At a recent top-secret dinner held for 50 NY TImes execs, Steve Jobs made a “surprise” appearance to show off the... Read More
They’re not exactly high-fiving, are they?
Someone managed to snap some video of Steve Jobs leaving the Yerba Buena Center after his iPad unveiling. I’m sure its just me reading too much into this shot, but doesn’t the mood there amongst his posse seem just slightly less enthusiastic than that of a child’s funeral? For the record, I am slowly warming to the idea of the iPad, and do not view it as the... Read More
Is it just me, or is that kind of a lot of time to put into your hair for an internet show?
Here’s a pretty interesting clip of Leo Laporte talking to a pineapple about his live video broadcast from the iPad keynote. Apparently Steve gave Leo “the stink eye” on a couple occasions. I therefore think it’s a safe assumption that Leo will die of an embolism by Saturday. Read More
You can’t hide behind your iPhone forever, Steve!
What I love about this video is that even if Steve was this big a dick, he still comes off as lovable. Kind of like South Park’s Saddam Hussein character. SuperNews! Gates vs. Jobs IICurrent TV | MySpace Video Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Matt for the link! Read More
New book promises to make you as “Insanely Great” as Steve Jobs
Sure, we all want to be like Steve Jobs, but it takes more than a mock turtleneck and Pancreatic cancer to snag a Gulfstream Jet. What you REALLY need to wow auditoriums full of devoted followers is Steve’s legendary “Reality Distortion Field”. Unfortunately, conventional wisdom has it that Steve’s RDF is something he was born with, not something that can... Read More
Announcing the “Where in the World is Steve Jobs?” Contest Winners!
I’d like to give a big thank you to all of you who took the time to enter our “Where in the World is Steve Jobs?” contest! I think if anything this contest proves that just because you own a Mac, doesn’t mean you’re artistic. I kid! I’m sure your mothers all think you are very creative! So without further ado, here are the winners, and a bunch... Read More
The “Where in the world is Steve Jobs?” Contest
Attention graphic designers and “Where’s Waldo?” fans! We have teamed up with the good folks at Pixelmator for a new contest here at Macenstein designed to test both your creativity and your love for everyone’s favorite temperamental CEO, Mr Steve Jobs. Announcing the “Where in the world is Steve Jobs?” Contest! Above: Now THAT’S what... Read More
Luxo blows a fuse
I know that Pixar news isn’t exactly Apple news, but it’s my damn site and I thought this was funny. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jonro for the tip! [via CollegeHumor] Read More
Steve Jobs buys Marvel : Adamantium MacBook imminent
Hey, I can dream, can’t I? Looks like we’ll be seeing unibody adamantium MacBook in a matter months, as Disney (aka, Steve Jobs) has just bought Marvel Comics (home of the X-Men, Spider-Man, Iron Man…. all sort of big, beefy men, basically) for $4 Billion. If I had $4 Billion I probably would have done the same thing, if for no other reason than to stop the... Read More
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