WTF - Macenstein - Page 5

WTF is up with Palm’s creepy Pre ads?

If you were trying to compete with an established, icon-ly cool portable device heralded for its ease of use, versatility, and hip, fun attitude, would you: A) Create a similarly fun, hip ad, maybe even hiring a celebrity pitchman B) Decide to focus more on the business customer and downplay the hip, fun thing C) Go right for the kill and immediately pull out the “Twin Peaks”-esque... Read More


Remind me again what apps Apple has banned? Ooops I Crapped My Pants An Original Classic!! Does exactly what you think it does. Laugh your stress away! Hilarious Antics. This app will have you and your friends laughing for hours. Poor guy, you know what’s about to happen to him, right?!?! This app is a blast for kids and guys of all ages. Don’t miss out on the funniest... Read More

Who needs Calculator? The iPhone’s Mail app can do math!

I ran into an odd problem today with my Mail on my iPhone. As you can see below, one of my IMAP accounts now thinks I have “negative 1” e-mails. The funny thing is, it appears that Mail actually understands negative numbers, as you can see the icon shows that I only have 1 message, as 1 -1 +1 = 1. I sent another message to myself, and yes, Mail knows that 2 -1 +1 =... Read More

Ummm… It’s not like they’re going to bury his albums with him guys

I have time and again admitted to not having a soul, but seriously, I don’t get this at all. That right. How are the Black Eyed Peas on the charts? No, seriously, why the big rush to buy Michael Jackson’s songs now that he’s dead? Are people planning to have massively depressing listening parties? Or was his death simply a reminder that he used to make music... Read More

Well, that explains the 8-hour battery life…

OK, maybe this doesn’t actually account for the rumored 8-hour battery life of the new MacBook Pros, but faithful Macenstein reader Michael reports that Apple may have decided to cut a few corners on the the new MacBook Pros. Apparently the 13 and 15-inch models are using 1.5 Gigabit SATA 1 connections to their drives, not the SATA 2 3.0 Gigabit that the unibodies of 6 months... Read More

WTF? Palm Pre syncs with iTunes? Let the countdown to the next iTunes update begin!

Faithful Macenstein reader Jimmy Schapira did what I did not have the time (or quite frankly, the interest) in doing today – he actually followed Engadget’s live Palm Pre event at D7. And good thing he did. First, we learned that the Walt Mossberg-hosted event was for some reason hosted in barber chairs. But secondly, and almost as important, is that apparently through... Read More

This app got approved

Once again, Apple’s crack team of app store approvers has done another stellar job. Behold Luigi vs. Pac, a game I ASSUME is a fully licensed joint venture of Nintendo and Namco who obviously were so overwhelmed with work they hired CSA Applications to create this game for them featuring two of their flagship characters. “Defat”? Luigi Vs Pac *************************************************************** CSA... Read More

Must not have been a windy day….

YouTuber sibilare135 noticed something kind of odd about Microsoft’s latest “fake real people buying a laptop commercial”. Wow, looks like Lauren and Sue really gave the Mac vs. PC buying experience some real thought, doesn’t it? Well, apparently if one looks a little closer (as fanboys are want to do), it seems (please try to contain your shock) this whole... Read More

Costco selling Dell running OSX?

Faithful Macenstein reader Ian writes: “Why is it that Costco can’t even put Vista screen desktop on a PC desktop? Nothing quite like promoting a sale of a PC with a Mac screen desktop since you know that’s what the cheap PC users really want.” Well, at least they hid the dock… [link]  Read More

A guy who is “turned on” by thumbs

Get it? Cause that’s a Power Button symbol this genius has had permanently embossed on his right thumb via what looks to be a fairly painful process known as skin removal. Now, I have my share of regrettable tattoos, but skin removal seems a little out there even for me. Although I must say the thought of being able to give everyone the finger while pretending to be promoting... Read More


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