WTF - Macenstein - Page 6

Jonathan Ive is rolling over in his highly stylized, brushed aluminum grave

Yeah, I know Ive isn’t dead yet, but this might kill him. Behold the Hoffbook. [via Flickr] The white MacBook iBook was never going to win awards for manliness before, but this takes “ghey” to a whole new level. Personally, I have the much manlier, drunk bloated Hasselhoff eating a cheeseburger on my MacBook Pro (see below). It just seems more professional.  Read More

Do not want

I think Luxury book publisher Kraken Opus has dramatically overestimated the number of people who currently do not respect money. How else can you explain their attempt to sell a limited edition Prince iPod and a velvet covered book for $2100? Or the fact that there is even such a thing as a luxury book maker, for that matter? The book is an accounting of Prince’s 21 Nights... Read More

Finally! An excuse to rub the iPhone all over your body

We all know there’s an iPhone app for just about everything, but what about bodily hygiene? Can the iPhone help you out when you’re feeling not-so-fresh? Well, no, actually, but thankfully iPhone SOAP can! That’s right. Two Eggplants Company has created a 3oz bar of soap that looks just like the iPhone (more or less), complete with icons and home button. And... Read More

Cute and cuddly Steve Jobs doll – Just like the real thing!

All of you guys who collect creepy looking dolls and stuffed toys that come to life at night and murder people take note! There’s a new “Chucky” in town – none other than Steve Jobs! That’s right, Podbricks (makers of Apple themed Legos) has taken a softer turn and released a run of 500 Steve Jobs plush dolls. Warning: this doll WILL kill you while... Read More

This is why the App Store will fail

Wow. Talk about an unlikely celebrity to want to keep tabs on… I mean, Project X was good, but not that good. Matthew Broderick Fans ($1.99) “We are proud to introduce your ONE STOP app to get everything related to “Matthew Broderick “. Get the up to the minute news, bio, exclusive Photos and join other fans! Download today, Keep Up-to-date Now!” Hmm…... Read More

What the hell is Best Buy selling?

What is this monstrosity? Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Bryon for the tip!  Read More


I’m certainly not one of those “If you can’t speak the language, get out of the country” kind of guys, but if you are making an application specifically designed to teach young children to read… Which of “folloing” 3 farms is goat? If you are not certain which of those farms is a goat, you might want to buy Kid Recognize, the $3.99 educational... Read More

Tragedy strikes the Dancing With The Stars set

No, the tragedy is not that Woz fractured his leg while practicing what was surely another stellar dance routine that would put ANY drunk uncle at a wedding to shame – no, the tragedy is apparently he didn’t break it badly enough. Yes, according to Geeksugar, Woz says his injury will not stop him from performing his next dance, which, according to Woz, will be “wild... Read More


You know how sometimes when watching a bad horror movie, you see the heroine searching a dark house, by herself, and you just KNOW that her cat is going to jump out and surprise you, but when it finally does, you still jump, just the same? Well, last night’s Dancing With the Stars was kind of like that. I had seen a few episodes over the years, so I thought I knew what to... Read More

The skyrocketing cost of aluminum?

Apple updated their entire line of Mac desktops today, and as often happens when Apple is foolish enough to attempt to release new products, people immediately began complaining about the price vs. perceived value of the new machines. Despite Apple bragging about lowering the entry point of the Mac Pro by $300, many have lamented that the sacrifice of features (4 cores down from... Read More


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