iPod Touch - Macenstein - Page 5

How to get 3 free iPods with only a screw driver, a pair of scissors, and a bag of marshmallows

Damnit, I just threw out two VCRs on junk day!  Read More

Apple’s most ironically named event, ever

Well, Apple’s “It’s only Rock ‘n Roll, but I like it” event has come to a close, and it had virtually nothing to do with Rock ‘n Roll, or even music in general. Sure, just about every announcement made today had something to do with the iPod, iPhone, or iTunes, yet it was all about apps, video cameras, price drops, and pedometers. So, what did Apple announce? Well, new iPod touches with more capacity, faster processors (presumably matching... Read More

Melon Golf: Tim Burton meets Tiger Woods

Just thought I’d throw out a recommendation to iPhone-physics lovers of a game I’ve been playing the past few days – Melon Golf As you play each round you can unlock Stars which will in turn unlock bonus rounds in the Nightmare Course. I think the reason I like Melon Golf so much is that it really has very little to do with Golf – it’s actually much more similar to games like Cannon Challenge and Castle Smasher than golf. The object of the game is to launch... Read More

Confirmed? TomTom’s iPhone GPS Car mount will work with iPod touch, as well as 3rd party navigation apps

Our good friends over at Mac4ever had a sit down with Yann Lafargue, who handles PR for TomTom, and were able to confirm a couple pretty interesting things about TomTom’s forthcoming GPS car kit. It has been known for some time that the car kit was more than a simple mount and charger – it also includes a built in GPS unit designed to replace the iPhone’s somewhat more flaky GPS. Lafargue confirmed many people’s suspicions/hopes by announcing that thanks to... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Milla Jovovich

If there’s one thing I love in this world, it is bad zombie movies. And if there’s THREE things I love, it is all three Resident Evil movies (and God willing, the rumored 2010 “Resident Evil: Afterlife”). So that is why I am going to go ahead and call Milla “Leeloo” Jovovich a celebrity Mac Chick even though I only have a 89% certainty that she is holding a 1st gen iPod touch in these pictures. Besides, “touch” and “Mila Jovovich”... Read More

Review: Scosche’s reviveLITE for iPhone/iPod

For years now I have been wanting to charge my iPods and iPhone in dark rooms, but I’ve just been too scared. Well, thanks to Scosche’s reviveLITE, I have been able to take back the night, and can now charge my iPhone with impunity! OK, that’s a little much. I was going to start this review out by making fun of how companies are adding iPod docks to just about anything these days –including night lights – but the reviveLight actually makes a little bit... Read More

This app got approved

Once again, Apple’s crack team of app store approvers has done another stellar job. Behold Luigi vs. Pac, a game I ASSUME is a fully licensed joint venture of Nintendo and Namco who obviously were so overwhelmed with work they hired CSA Applications to create this game for them featuring two of their flagship characters. “Defat”? Luigi Vs Pac *************************************************************** CSA APPLICATIONS IS PROUD TO PRESENT: Luigi Vs Pacman *************************************************************** Want... Read More

Sonic the Hedgehog for iPhone isn’t a game, it’s a Genesis emulator

Sega’s recently released Sonic the Hedgehog for iPhone has received well-deserved accolades for bringing an amazing faithful port of the 1991 Sega Genesis classic to the iPhone platform, yet at the same time, it has also received almost as much criticism for its slow frame rates and performance issues. Well, the guys over at AllTechRelated may have discovered the reason. Apparently, Sonic isn’t so much a port to the iPhone as a Genesis emulator running Sonic on the... Read More

The Creeps! updated – win a free code

Above: One of The Creeps! new under water levels. The Creeps!, a kick-ass Tower Defense game (and one of the few iPhone games that has stayed on my iPhone after 6 months) has just been updated, and to celebrate, Super Squawk Software was nice enough to give us a free game code to give away. Yes, it’s only a 99¢ game, and yes, Super Squawk is using this as a cheap way to get a $300 ad on Macenstein for 99¢, but hey, the game really DOES rock, the update is a substantial... Read More

Review: SlingPlayer Mobile for the iPhone – A hobbled app still manages to shine

Smart phone owners are notoriously loyal and defensive about their handset of choice, and like a good soldier I have vigorously proselytized the benefits of the iPhone to any Blackberry user I have run into. For the most part this was easy, as the only real argument I couldn’t defend was the iPhone’s lack of a physical keyboard, which to me was a non-issue. However, there was ONE trick the Blackberry could do that had me more than a little envious, and that was the... Read More


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