MacBook hacked to add “right-click” in Windows
I’m always amazed at how much extra space seems to be inside the black and white MacBooks, given Apple’s obsession with slimming things down. First someone was able to add a second LCD screen behind the MacBook’s main one, and now InsanelyMac forum member jboy21 has crammed a usb mouse inside his black MacBook to add right click functionality. “Basically ive taken a standard logitech usb mouse, hacked it down to its very bare essentials, inserted inside... Read More
Review: Contour Design’s Messenger Bag for MacBook and MacBook Pro
In part 45 of our ongoing search for the perfect laptop bag, we find ourselves holding Contour Design’s leather messenger bag – and we are pleased. Contour’s Messenger bag is one of the more stylish attempts at a laptop bag we’ve seen, and this can be either a good or bad thing, depending on your tastes. Personally I view it as a good thing, although I had a couple guys (ironically, some of the least manly guys I know) say “Nice purse”. However,... Read More
Apple’s girliest computer just got girlier
Awww…. This is just adorable. At least as long as you don’t realize that there’s a bite out of that Apple, so she’s about 3 seconds from collapsing unconscious on the floor in a house with 7 guys. This clever mod is the work of flickr user LübeckerJung‘ s girlfriend who made the design herself: I found the artwork via google image search. She was part of the DVD-cover of Disneys Snow White. A little Illustrator here and a little Photoshop there... Read More
Chinese company releases Apple’s netbook for them
We Apple fanboys are used to pointing accusing fingers towards PC offerings that bear a striking similarity to Apple’s own. And as blatant as many of these “homages” to Apple’s design may be, for the most part these companies have been content to leave the theft at design cues and materials. However, in the wild west that IS Shenzhen, China, all bets are off. Behold the new WF188. Yeah, that’s an Apple logo. “10 inches LED display, a resolution... Read More
Review: Booq’s Boa Slimcase M90 laptop bag
When I upgraded from my 13-inch MacBook to my new 15-inch MacBook Pro, I discovered one of the hidden costs buying a larger laptop – namely, the need to buy a larger laptop bag. I put out a call to our faithful readers on Twitter looking for suggestions on good laptop bag manufacturers, and the name Booq came back on quite a few of them, so I decided to give them a try. Booq was nice enough to offer up one of their Booq’s Boa Slimcase M90 laptop bags for review,... Read More
Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Meghan McCain
I’m not entirely sure being the daughter of a presidential candidate/Senator makes you a celebrity, but I guess if you are featured in GQ you must be somewhat famous. So here’s Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain and her MacBook Pro, posing in bed together with a beer. Hmmm… maybe it WOULD have been a fun presidency after all… Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader John for the tip! [via GQ and Sparrowblog] Read More
Save the “B”‘s! New MacBook can’t spell its name
Engadget reader Mark got a bit of a surprise when he opened his new MacBook, or, should we say, MacMook? Looks like Apple got a good deal on “M”‘s. Actually, now that I look at it, it looks like it is even a little more screwed up than it looks at first. They didn’t just replace the “N” with an “M”, they pushed the “N” down as well eliminating the “B” completely. I had actually heard that the “B”‘s... Read More
MacBook Pro battery has 20% less juice than predecessor
Remember during Apple’s notebook spectacular when Steve mentioned that the new MacBook Pro could get a whopping 5 hours of battery life (when using the lamer 9400M chip, that is)? Well, it looks like that number is even more impressive than it originally sounded. Ryan Block noticed that the new MacBook Pro’s battery actually has less juice to work with than its predecessor – about 20% less in fact. Whereas last year’s model packed a 5600mAh / 60Wh battery,... Read More
Looks like Apple failed French
According our good friend Chris over at the French Mac site macgeneration, Apple’s MacBook announcements were riddled with quite a few spelling/grammatical errors, the most notable being this one. Apparently “parfaitement con” translates to “perfect idiot” in French. Whoops! The page has since been changed to read “parfaitement conçu”, or “perfectly designed”. Errors were also found on the Displays and MacBook Pro pages... Read More
HUZZAH! The Combo Drive is Finally DEAD!
Ding Dong, the witch is dead! It may have happened 2 years later than it should have, but Apple has finally given up its bizarre hold on the combo drive in the MacBooks. Today’s announcement of new MacBooks and MacBook Pros also came with the news that Apple will continue to sell the older “white plastic” model MacBook at a discounted price alongside the shinier, faster models. While at first it appeared all that changed on the previous model was a $100 price... Read More
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