Microsoft Bashing - Macenstein - Page 6

Rafael Nadal Gets BSoD – Time to Get A Mac?

Current number 1 ranked tennis star Rafael Nadal has apparently been having some trouble with his Windows laptop lately. Nadal, who writes a blog for the Times Online, has been experiencing some Blue Screen of Death crashes with growing frequency, thus hampering his ability to post timely updates. Writes Nadal: “Hi everyone, First of all apologies for not sending the blog yesterday and the day before. I did send the answers to your questions before but when I was writing... Read More

Why Jerry Seinfeld will be the perfect Windows Vista pitch man

According to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft has hired none other than Jerry Seinfeld to appear in a series of ads meant to counter the popular “Get a Mac” ads Apple has run for the past few years. Jerry’s $300 million campaign is rumored to feature Bill Gates in some way, and focus on the tagline “Windows, not Walls“. The right man for the job At first, Jerry Seinfeld may seem like an odd (and expensive) choice for Microsoft’s new Vista... Read More

Windows BSoD takes the Gold at the Beijing Olympics

Faithful Macenstein reader Adam Davie sent us these shots he found on the River Cool forums showing that once again, Windows’ Blue Screen of Death has crashed another event, this time the Opening Ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympics Games. Above: hmm… maybe no one will notice… Perhaps this is simply Microsoft’s idea of “product placement”, as the BSOD is one of the more recognizable features of Windows, and perhaps transcends all language barriers.... Read More

Screw the iPhone! We got all your Zune news RIGHT HERE!

Yeah, I know iPhone launch day has already begun to be celebrated all across the world, but quite frankly, I am getting sick of reporting on the iPhone. So I thought I would take a quick look at what’s going on with the Zune in the news today. Surely Microsoft has some sinister plans to steal Apple’s thunder! Let’s see what it is! Just hold on one second while I Google “Zune”… hmmm… OK… Well, um, apparently teen actress Paige... Read More

Why so “critical”, Microsoft?

Let’s do a little free-association exercise. When you hear the words “Microsoft” and “critical update“, what do you think of? I know personally, my first thought is “OMFG another Microsoft security exploit!“. Given this knee-jerk reaction I assume I share with many, why do you think Microsoft would label the latest Office Mac update 12.1.1 “Critical”? A quick scan of the 153 MB update shows a bunch of bug fixes, but unless... Read More

Apple’s “Mac vs PC” ads a hit with the kids

Parents often worry that the images their children see on television may influence them to do horrible things – from imitating Jackass stunts to jumping off the roof pretending to be Superman. But television can also teach children GOOD behavior, as seen in the picture below. [Photo by jwlphotography]  Read More

Windows 7: The Search for Dock

Based on these concept pics, the “future” of Windows looks remarkably like the “present” of OS X Speaking of stealing… Is it just me, or are these shots of the upcoming Windows 7 looking a little too similar to OS X? I can’t wait to see what Microsoft decides to call that transparent Dock-looking thing. Given that they call OS X’s Widgets “gadgets”, I’m going to assume it will be called the “Spock”. [images... Read More

Oh For the love of God, WHY?!!

Faithful Macenstein reader Jordan sent us some pics of the most unholy of unholy abominations. No, not poolside pics of Woz – even worse. That’s right, ModMyifone forum member ebl4287 has come up with one of the most well-executed and elaborate iPhone skins to date. Unfortunately, it is designed to mimic the “thrill” of running Windows Vista on your iPhone. He certainly gets triple geek points for execution, but loses 30 charisma points for his choice... Read More

Bill Gates, as Kermit the Frog, praising Apple Computers

Welcome to the most surreal video you will see today. Behold the voice of Bill Gates put into the body of Kermit the Frog, praising Apple Computers. Genius! The original Gates clip was recorded in 1984, and it’s funny just how much Bill sounds like Kermit. Jim Henson productions should have definitely tried to tap him for Kermit’s voice in Muppet Treasure Island after Jim died. He sounds a hell of a lot more like Henson than Steve Whitmire. Thanks to faithful Macenstein... Read More

oh… my… GOD. Microsoft propaganda video redefines “suck”

Ok, let me just say that I work in the corporate video market, and I have seen a lot of bad shit go down, from Sopranos parodies to 24… but… Jesus Christ man. “We’re gonna keep rockin with SP1!” Good lord, does that mean there’s an SP2 video floating around somewhere out there? Most likely parodying the Bangles or Wall of Voodoo or some such? Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandalay for the link. Actually, wait, no! Damn you ART!... Read More


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