Rampant Speculation - Macenstein - Page 7

Finally, irrefutable video proof that Steve Jobs is healthy

Despite numerous press releases and insider reports claiming Apple’s CEO is doing just fine, the press just can’t seem to let go of the idea that Steve Jobs’ health might be suffering. In fact, it seems these days nothing short of Steve bending over to let the press conduct their own prostate exams will quiet these doomsaying Chicken Littles. Well, luckily for Steve’s backside, we’ve found the next best thing. This video, taken during this year’s... Read More

Hey Apple, what’s with all the delays?

Apple is one of the more notoriously secretive companies out there. Yet despite its best efforts (or perhaps because of them), nearly every recent major product announcement Apple has made has had some (or all) of the details leaked through the rumor community before the official unveiling. Of course, Apple always pretends those leaks never happened, announcing each product as if we should all be surprised and amazed. And for the most part, we as loyal Apple fanboys play along. However,... Read More

“Plastic” iPhone 3G actually stronger than the 1st gen? Made of zirconia?

Everyone loves WillItBlend.com, the site where Tom blends all sorts of gadgets (but only gets page hits when they are made by Apple) in his TotalBlender. Well, a little bird asked us to check out the latest WillItBlend video of the new “plastic” iPhone 3G being destroyed, and then compare it to the original, “metallic” iPhone’s blended experience. See below. Above: As you can see, the 1st gen iPhone was reduced to powder, aside from the metal screen... Read More

Apple’s hinge-less “MacBook Pro Canvas”

I am a fan of Apple’s aluminum MacBook Pro/Air enclosures, and rumor has it the MacBook will soon be ditching its girly plastic and adopting the cool metal enclosure as well. As much as I would love to see this, it seems a little odd to me that Apple would bump their consumer laptop to aluminum without giving their pro offerings a much-needed redesign. Apple has always liked to visually differentiate the Pro and consumer models, and I think that as nice as the MacBook Pro... Read More

Will Snow Leopard eat DiskWarrior?

One of the many big features in the forthcoming “featureless” update to Mac OS X (aka Snow Leopard) is the move to the ZFS file system. I had heard that ZFS was officially the “shiznit” two or three years ago when the rumor mill had forecast ZFS support in Leopard was an almost certainty. Well, the “almost” won that round, but it appears Snow Leopard may finally deliver what “regular” Leopard couldn’t. What’s ZFS, and... Read More

Apple’s Cinema Displays web page is as long in the tooth as the displays themselves

Apple’s Cinema Displays are currently holding the record for “Longest Apple Product Still for Sale Without an Update”. At a whopping 439 days since the last update, many sites have predicted refreshes to the line of one sort of the other for the past 4 major Apple events, yet thus far, the displays have remained unchanged. Other sites have taken the oposite view, and predicted the discontinuation of the Cinema Displays from Apple’s lineup entirely. Well,... Read More


Above: (Top) Steve delivering the Macworld Keynote in January. (Bottom) Steve delivering the WWDC Keynote in June. Wow. That’s a tough 5 months. Given Steve’s past bouts with the big “C”, is anyone else worried?  Read More

The most realistic (but still probably fake) 3G iPhone pics we’ve seen so far

So, what do we make of these shots from web-mobile.net? Read More  Read More

Apple looking for “Average to mildly attractive people with nice hands”

According to an unverified MacRumors source, Apple has placed the following casting call ad for actors and actresses for a commercial for an upcoming, unreleased product. “Apple is look[ing] for a man and woman in their mid-20’s to film a demo of a new Apple product. They are not looking for recognizable faces or names, and ideally the person would be “average to mildly attractive with nice hands”. They must also have the ability to play the guitar or... Read More

Win the unannounced 3G iPhone by pre-ordering the 3G iPhone invisibleSHIELD

Boy, Apple BETTER release the 3G iPhone this week, or else ZAGG is going to have to… Check out this ad for the 3G iPhone invisibleSHIELD. (Is it just me or is that a hint of Maroon on that 3G iPhone…?) 🙂 Pre-Order the invisibleSHIELD for the new 3G iPhone and get 20% off The next generation of iPhone is almost here, and everyone is excited to see Apple’s latest and greatest device. Blogs and message boards are buzzing with speculation, and great new features... Read More


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