Apple Bashing - Macenstein - Page 3

Look out Apple: Amazon launches Mac App Download Store

Amazon Mac Store

When I first read the headline “Amazon launches Mac Download Store“, I thought it was an Onion headline. Somehow it almost seemed akin to Amazon building it’s own Macs for some reason. Yet, sure enough, it DOES exist, and just as the Amazon music store beats Apple’s iTunes in most ways, it looks like Amazon’s Mac App Store is also out doing Apple’s... Read More

Season Premiere of South Park targets iPhone location tracking with the Human Centipad

South Park Human Centipad

Wow those guys work fast. I have always been impressed with how quickly the guys at South Park can crank out a topical episode, but I HAVE to imagine this was a perfect storm of South Park already going to make their “Human Centipad” sketch, and then they somehow were able to tack on a 2 minute tracking piece. If not, they must have literally gotten their turn around... Read More

Apple releases “Apple Q&A on Location Data” to calm down the Nervous Nellies

Apple iphone 4 tracking

In addition to two other boring press releases (white iPhone 4 tomorrow, iPad 2 in Japan this week) Apple PR just released their far more fun to read Apple Q&A on Location Data (below) in an attempt to address the would-be media storm surrounding the unencrypted location tracking data stored on the iPhone. (And OK, I’ll admit, I also wanted to use my awesome “Mantracker”... Read More

Everyone’s a privacy nut until they get lost in the woods and need someone to come find them

iphone security hole

It looks like I am apparently one of the few, if not the only, tech journalists out there who is not freaking out about the newly discovered “location tracking” file having been found on both the iPhone and the backup the iPhone makes on your computer each time you sync. If you somehow missed it, the short version is Apple has apparently been logging the location of... Read More

AT&T eats T-Mobile and I am FURIOUS!

Now THAT’S a Super Moon!” While everyone was distracted looking at that EXTREMELY over-hyped Super Moon this weekend (seriously, what was the big deal? It looked the same as always here…) AT&T announced it plans to buy T-Mobile for $39 billion. This is apparently cause for everyone to run around in circles screaming, because it means there will now really... Read More

iPad 2 destroyed in slow motion (because everything looks better in slow motion)

Man, try to name ONE THING that doesn’t look cooler in super slow motion. Can’t do it? Didn’t think so. Even this horrifying video of an iPad 2 meeting its maker (figuratively speaking, of course. It doesn’t actually go back to China) looks hauntingly beautiful. Why slow motion? Because if he used his right hand, it would be over too quickly.  Read More

Things I didn’t mention yet- Bon Jovi, Apple Stock, and Naked Mime Chicks

I’ve been pretty busy lately, mainly trying to beat @marcusmichaels at Tiny Wings (and failing miserably) – so there’s a couple Apple-related things I haven’t gotten a chance to comment on. So let’s fix that. It’s kind of hard to argue with Jon Bon Jesus First up: Jon Bon Jovi says Steve Jobs is “personally responsible for killing the music business”.... Read More

Charlie and the Apple Factory

This might be the best Apple parody video to date. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jonathan for the tip! See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Via CollegeHumor  Read More

Coco on iPad 2

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Steve Jobs de-knighted?

According to The Telegraph, Steve Jobs was just seconds away from obtaining a British knighthood when former Prime Minister Gordon Brown squashed the deal out of spite when Jobs declined to speak speak at Labour’s annual conference. Mr Jobs was put forward for the honour by the MP for services to technology. Apple is credited with revolutionising the industry in recent years... Read More


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