Hacks - Macenstein - Page 2

Fieldrunners invade Central Park!

Everyone knows one of the best parts of Jailbreaking your iPhone is that you can customize the look and feel of your iPhone, but did you know with a little digging you can also customize your apps as well? (And cheat to high heaven? Check out my cash stash). Oh no! The Fieldrunners are marching on Center Drive!  Read More

MacBook hacked to add “right-click” in Windows

I’m always amazed at how much extra space seems to be inside the black and white MacBooks, given Apple’s obsession with slimming things down. First someone was able to add a second LCD screen behind the MacBook’s main one, and now InsanelyMac forum member jboy21 has crammed a usb mouse inside his black MacBook to add right click functionality. “Basically... Read More

I have tiny balls! (Thanks to Magnifique!)

Fans of custom OS themes rejoice! Magnifique is here! OK, so maybe shrinking those jolly, candy-like buttons wasn’t my FIRST gripe with the Leopard interface, but it’s nice to have a choice, isn’t it? Magnifique is a free app that lets you view and install a range of themes in their library, or make your own. Have you always wanted black windows (preferably... Read More

Woz signs a hackintosh Dell netbook – doesn’t like red

Matthew Smith ran into Steve “Three Left Feet” Wozniak the other day, and just happened to have his hacked Dell mini 9 running Leopard and sharpie with him. The results are magical. Got to briefly meet Steve Wozniak as he was doing some press for Dancing with the Stars. I showed him my Dell Mini 9 with OS X Leopard installed on it (and an Apple sticker sloppily applied... Read More

Apple flooding the App store with more useless Apps

To date, Apple’s iPhone apps have been fairly solid efforts, although the same cannot be said for the majority of 3rd party iPhone apps out there. However, it looks like Apple has decided to jump on the “bloatware” bandwagon. Check out this invite for the WWDC. Not only is Apple apparently using a jalbroken iPhone to hide the app names, but it looks like they... Read More

Worse than being sent to the Spice Mines of Kessel

Oh, the humanity! Such a fate should not befall any droid, let alone a Mac mini. Above: You should see their bidet Well, on the plus side, at least using the Mac mini as a toilet paper dispenser ensures that the toilet paper is delivered in the proper, “overhand” method, instead of that ridiculous “underhand” style that some lower functioning people sometimes... Read More

Apple Logo LCD mod is the coolest thing I have seen today

Check out Eddie Zarick‘s rather impressive MacBook Apple Logo LCD mod. By adding a tiny second monitor to his MacBook, positioned directly behind of the Apple logo, Eddie is able to display anything from photos, to video, to the live feed of his iSight camera, which makes for a very cool transparent effect. As cool as this is, if there’s room for a second LCD behind... Read More

Ok, I Jailbroke my iPhone. So now what?

So last night, around midnight, I decided to Jailbreak my iPhone – the main impetus being I wanted to check out xGPS. Of course the first attempt using QuickPWN didn’t work for some reason, so I had to restore my iPhone, then try again, experiencing success sometime around 1:30 AM. Since then I have had only a little free time to poke around Cydia, the Winterboard and... Read More

DIY iMac

When faithful Macenstein reader Joven wanted to buy a new iMac but found himself coming up short on funds, he did what any good Mac Geek would do – he built his own! Joven already had an LCD monitor he was happy with, but loves the “Where’s the computer” design of the iMac. So he purchased a Mac mini, drew up some brackets in SketchUp, and headed to the... Read More

Interview: Examining the seedy world of Mac OS X Forensics

We all know that good guys use Macs, and the bad guys use PCs, right? Well, so do law enforcement agencies, which is why nearly 100% of the training given to law enforcement’s digital forensic specialists has traditionally dealt with how to handle a Windows machine at a crime scene. But what about the one or two “bad Apples” (pun intended) out there? What if you... Read More


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