Hardware - Macenstein - Page 7

Apple’s “Brick” riddle, deciphered

Yes, we feel we’ve deciphered “The Brick” riddle – not that it helps actually clear up anything… Multiple sites are buzzing with news of a new Apple product, code named “The Brick” that could debut as early as October 14th. Speculation first began when 9to5Mac claimed to have an inside source which spoke about a mysterious new project Apple... Read More

Dell’s Latitude E4200 MacBook Air Parody

Oh those incorrigible Dell boys and their video hijinks! Here we see their latest effort, a comparison between the Dell Latitude E4200 and the MacBook Airentitled “More Substance, Less Air” and produced by Dell’s official corporate blog, DellVlog. Now, I won’t argue that producing a smaller computer (although it looks to be 20 times thicker than the Air)... Read More

The Let’s Rock event : My thoughts… in pictures

Like most Apple fanboys with no self control, I was unable to wait for Apple’s keynote stream to hit the web, and instead I nearly wore out my “refresh” finger reading the Engadget and Gizmodo feeds. So, now that it is all done, and I have had 3 minutes to digest it all, how do I feel about the event? Well, let’s find out as we take a tour, via stolen borrowed... Read More

Was today my last iPhone restore?

Dare I hope? This morning, just as I was set to leave for work, my wife asked me to sync her iPhone for her. “Sure, no problem,” I thought (looking back, I am not sure why I thought that…). BAM! The thing freezes up, “Silver Apple Logo screen of death”, the whole nine yards. Immediately realizing I am now going to be at a minimum a half hour late for... Read More

mophie Juice Pack 3G shipping October 1st

Our good friend Dizzy over at When Will Apple? got the low down on when mophie will finally be shipping their Juice Pack battery pack for the iPhone 3G, and despite the “Late September” sticker on mophie’s site, it looks like October 1st is the big day. Based on the pictures, aside from curving the inside a bit to fit the 3G iPhone’s tapered back, mophie... Read More

Video: Waterproof spray-on coating for your iPhone, laptop

Probably the number one threat to iPhones is the dreaded “accidental toilet drop”. While all cell phones fear it, the iPhone is particularly at risk because users are often asked to shake the hell out of their iPhones when playing these games. It’s a recipe for “accidental toilet drop”-disaster. Well, Cape Cod-based Northwest Maritime Institute has... Read More

“A grey strip of some kind of high quality material…”

I know “Apple funny”, and this is Apple funny. Faithful Macenstein reader Nicholas sent us a link to one of the funniest Apple Discussion forum posts we have seen (and there have been many). Entitled “Help, I Can’t Open My MacBook Pro!“, the posts details the plight of first time MacBook Pro owner aberard who can’t seem to figure out how to open... Read More

Psystar looks to grab its 16th minute of fame with its new Xserve clones

Oh Psystar, you incorrigible little rascal of a company! Despite largely unfavorable reviews of its Open Computer desktop which runs a hacked version of OS X Leopard, Psystar has decided to bring it special brand of loud and unreliable hacked Mac clones to the workplace. Behold the OpenServ 1100 and OpenServ 2400. Like Psystar’s $400 desktop offering, the OpenServ 1100 ($1599.99)... Read More

Rumor: Voodoo releasing a laptop that’s thinner than MacBook Air on Tuesday?

Uh-oh… Looks like Voodoo may be getting ready to unleash an ultra thin laptop on June 10th that is even thinner than the MacBook Air. Faithful Macenstein reader Michael writes: Check this out… I was reading a story on Engadget, so I decided to Facebook the CEO of Voodoo. I pretended that I was greatly interested in his offerings, and told him I only wanted the thinnest... Read More

New tablet rumors and slow news day conspire to cause us to revisit Doug’s Mac nano rumor

A slow news day has turned into a slow news weekend, and with a slew of new “iTablet” rumors surfacing, it is no surprise that Macenstein‘s resident rumor-monger Doug has returned to dredge up his Mac nano and docking station rumor. And if you thought the MacBook Air’s pricing/performance ratio was questionble, wait until you get a load of the “iMac... Read More


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